In Flames/Sepultura @ Sheffield Corporation


Full Time Metalhead
Feb 6, 2006
In Flames/Sepultura
@ The Corporation, Sheffield 25/03/06

I can honestly say that last night’s gig was one of the best shows I have been to. I don’t care too much for Sepultura, but their set was enjoyable, especially when they had the place going insane for the inevitable closer – the legendary “Roots”.

After much boredom and waiting around, In Flames finally took the stage while their intro (“Your Bedtime Story…”) had the audience entranced. The intro music provided a good build up, and as they blasted into “Pinball Map”, I realised this set may not hold all the expectations of a promo tour for a new release.

And that it did certainly not. This was the strangest set list I could have expected from In Flames (albeit, almost the best I could have expected, being a bigger fan of their older albums) as it provided, early on the proceedings, some of the best of their classics from the “Colony” album. In my opinion, they could have done with replacing the song “Colony” with “Coerced Coexistence” but that’s just my preference…

As they pounded through great track after great track, In Flames didn’t make a single noticeable flaw. The music was tight and the sound levels were all well monitored, it provided a good listening experience as well as intense performance. The only criticisms I have are the layout of the songs – in general, the tracks from each album were bunched together (as you will see below) – and the addition of the songs “Come Clarity” (Although I suppose that gave us a bit of a breather after the heavier songs) and “Scream” (Their worst song!) to the set, which could have been replaced with tracks from “Clayman” or “Whoracle”.

All in all, the choice of songs was incredible, and it is clear that perhaps the band are tired of playing the same old sing-alongs at every show. There were no mistakes in the music, everything sounded great and the crowd definately matched the intensity of the songs. 9/10

The set list was:

Pinball Map
Inspid 2000
Behind Space (’99)
Black & White
Crawl Through Knives
Take This Life
Come Clarity
Cloud Connected
Episode 666
Only For The Weak
The Quiet Place
Touch of Red
My Sweet Shadow
I was going to go to that Gig and then I listened to there new stuff and couldnt bring myself to waste anymore money on the gig after wasting money on the new album.
son_of_northern_darkness said:
Dude out of 20 songs only 5 were from the new album. You missed out!
They also played songs of Reroute and soundtrack so all in all I dont think I missed out.