In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

essentially any song from Blood Stain Child goes anywhere from "bad" to "ohgodmakeitstopthesepeopledon'tknowhowtoconstructasong"
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This is definitely the best Sounds of a Playground Fading thread I've ever seen. I just wanted to point that out.

Oh, and to answer your questions: Yes. I have dick all to do today.
PlainVanilla: Apology not accepted. I could have spent the time I watched those masturbating or something. I mean, I was masturbating, but I would have rather watched something else while doing it.

And as long as we're having fun being off-topic, here's a song (and band) that I really dug when I was in high school. I'm not gonna lie. I still love this song. I suggest you avert your eyes from the video though.

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essentially any song from Blood Stain Child goes anywhere from "bad" to "ohgodmakeitstopthesepeopledon'tknowhowtoconstructasong"

I don't necessarily think so...

Nuclear Trance is a fantastic piece of music, and definitely my favourite blend of metal and electronica there is. Metoropolice is also great, and Mystic Your Heart is a pretty good traditional Melodic Death Metal song... Their Engrish is at times hilarious and their melodies aren't always the most original, but when they get it right they're really pretty good.