In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Dead Alone, Evil in a Closet (one of my all time favourite IF songs), Discover Me Like Emptiness and In Search for I are my top picks from STYE.
Re: Dial-595, apparently in flames fans were dialling 595-escape when the album first came out and getting through to some indian fella :D i always found that amusing.
Poor Indian guy! :D

Dial 595 is actually there for safety. You dial that number a STYE stops playing so you can escape the terrible production and bunch of nu metal songs.
Poor Indian guy! :D

Dial 595 is actually there for safety. You dial that number a STYE stops playing so you can escape the terrible production and bunch of nu metal songs.
Hahahahahaha you fucking retard, what's wrong with you? :D
Hahahahahaha you fucking retard, what's wrong with you? :D

Ive listened to nothing but this album over the last 2 days, and here is my current verdict:

01. SOAPF - Great opener, love the main riff + solo, has a nice chorus. Dislike the clean intro and the outro riffage. 8/10
02. Deliver Us - A little too radio friendly but I do like it. Has a nice groove and a catchy chorus. 7.5/10
03. All for Me - Its taken me quite a few listens but I am starting to like it. Main riff has a nice groove to it, chorus has nice melodic guitars. 7/10
04. The Puzzle - This is one is definitely a grower. Hated at first, after 10+ listens I think its pretty good. 8/10
05. Fear is the Weakness - Like this one. Dont understand why the intro volume is so low, but once it gets going its great. 8.5/10
06. WTDSD - Joint favourite of the album. I love the groove of this song, fantastic rhythm. 9/10
07. The Attic - Not a fan, these sort of tracks just waste space on the CD and generally are only there to pad out the album. -/10
08. Darker Times - Dont get why people arent liking this one, it has awesome riffs and a nice chorus + solo. Not the best but def. above average. 7.5/10
09. Ropes - Probably my favourite on the album. Great guitars, infectious groove and I love the vocals. Only complaint is I think its too short. 10/10
10. Enter Tragedy - A return to the heaviness of The Puzzle. These 2 songs almost feel like a part 1 and 2 scenario. I like it roughly the same. 8/10
11. Jesters Door - Again, another pointless filler interlude track. -/10
12. A New Dawn - I dont think the chorus is particularly amazing but I love the lower vocals Anders uses, and the guitars are top notch. 9.5/10
13. Liberation - At first I didnt like it and thought it was more filler, but I found myself singing it in my head earlier, which suprised me. Si I listened to it more and now I quite like it, I think its catchy and different, a nice way to close the album. 8/10

Im not sure how I rate this album overall yet (im only comparing it to post Clayman work) I think it needs more time, but I know its definitely miles better than Soundtrack to your Escape and A Sense of Purpose. It certainly has much better production quality than any of the modern In Flames albums, its pretty damn perfect IMO. Only thing that annoys me slightly is the fact we only got 11 'songs' instead of 13.
The intro is the best part of the song. Up until 22 seconds it's promising, then it takes a fucking nosedive :D the stuff between 22 to 44 secs isn't awful but should have been cut in half, and that Bottled riff can fuck right off :D

The album seems to build on a contrast between more "inspired" or "melodic" passages and simple but hard-hitting riffs (or the "Bottled riff" you keep referring to) and it's not just in All For Me.

For example, the chugging riff in Deliver Us, right before the first verse, is very simple, but it hits extremely hard after the complex lead work introduced in the intro. It's not that Bjorn couldn't think of a good riff or melody for it, it's that the contrast between melody and rhythmic aggression works there. The melody is a build-up, while the chugging riff is the "crash", the "result".

Hell, it also happens in "The Puzzle", after the second chorus, which is fast-paced and full of subtle melodies that back up Anders's screaming, and then right away it delves into a power-chord/chugging combo. Again, I don't see how the song would be better off without that chugging section. It plays on the strong sense of rhythm that In Flames has been working on since Clayman.

To use an older example, even Only For the Weak does it, right before the first verse. That was the first riff I ever learned on guitar back when I sucked at playing. But it's powerful because of the melodic opening right before it.

And it's the same thing in All For Me, except I think it's more powerful there, and that's why it's my favorite track. It doesn't have to be melody all throughout, or consciously avoid using "nu-metal" riffs. I'm not trying to convince anyone that they should change their mind about the song or that facet of In Flames' sound, but I just want to point out that In Flames just seems to be working the dynamics between melody and aggression to their fullest on SOAPF.
I see a lot of people saying how "the production is perfect". How the fuck is it perfect when you cant even hear the guitars properly in 80% of the time?
Beardman's back. miss me? ;D. But seriously, this forum has gone through some crazy shit, beards, cocks, dreads, old vs new, etc. Krofius, A88, DE4life, TheCharade, and many more, I thank you for this pleasant time we've spent. I salute y'all.

P.S. : New idea, whenever ending a message, put the name of your country so that we can see just how far IF has gone. I'll start.

Spain :D
I've only listened to the album twice, so my opinion may change with time. But for now, I say it's a pretty mediocre record. Better than ASOP, sure, but that's about it.

My biggest disappointment on the record is probably All For Me. It started out very promising and then turned to shit very quickly. It's somewhat amusing now when I think about it... I actually let out an audible sigh while listening to All For Me. Among the others I don't like are Deliver Us, Liberation, Ropes and The Attic. There are some parts on this record that really disgusted me to be honest, which are nearly all vocal parts. I wish Anders would keep those really poppy, shitty vocals out of In Flames and just make another Passenger record. There is some good guitar work scattered throughout SOAPF, but not a lot that really jumped out at me.

The high points for me are A New Dawn and Jester's Door. Say what you want about Jester's Door -- at least it's unique. Plus, I think it's a good segue for A New Dawn (which is easily the best song on this offering). The title track, Where the Dead Ships Dwell, The Puzzle, Darker Times, Enter Tragedy and Fear is the Weakness are pretty "meh" to me, but not terrible. I could take them or leave them. I probably wouldn't dislike The Attic so much if I felt that it had a payoff. It seemed like a very anti-climactic song to me.

As I said, my opinion MAY change, but I'm not expecting it to, mostly because I don't really plan on listening to this album all the way through much more, if at all. There just wasn't enough that held my attention to warrant more listening.
I've only listened to the album twice, so my opinion may change with time. But for now, I say it's a pretty mediocre record. Better than ASOP, sure, but that's about it.

My biggest disappointment on the record is probably All For Me. It started out very promising and then turned to shit very quickly. It's somewhat amusing now when I think about it... I actually let out an audible sigh while listening to All For Me. Among the others I don't like are Deliver Us, Liberation, Ropes and The Attic. There are some parts on this record that really disgusted me to be honest, which are nearly all vocal parts. I wish Anders would keep those really poppy, shitty vocals out of In Flames and just make another Passenger record. There is some good guitar work scattered throughout SOAPF, but not a lot that really jumped out at me.

The high points for me are A New Dawn and Jester's Door. Say what you want about Jester's Door -- at least it's unique. Plus, I think it's a good segue for A New Dawn (which is easily the best song on this offering). The title track, Where the Dead Ships Dwell, The Puzzle, Darker Times, Enter Tragedy and Fear is the Weakness are pretty "meh" to me, but not terrible. I could take them or leave them. I probably wouldn't dislike The Attic so much if I felt that it had a payoff. It seemed like a very anti-climactic song to me.

As I said, my opinion MAY change, but I'm not expecting it to, mostly because I don't really plan on listening to this album all the way through much more, if at all. There just wasn't enough that held my attention to warrant more listening.

sorry to hear that

Spain (troll Face)
The album seems to build on a contrast between more "inspired" or "melodic" passages and simple but hard-hitting riffs (or the "Bottled riff" you keep referring to) and it's not just in All For Me.

For example, the chugging riff in Deliver Us, right before the first verse, is very simple, but it hits extremely hard after the complex lead work introduced in the intro. It's not that Bjorn couldn't think of a good riff or melody for it, it's that the contrast between melody and rhythmic aggression works there. The melody is a build-up, while the chugging riff is the "crash", the "result".

Hell, it also happens in "The Puzzle", after the second chorus, which is fast-paced and full of subtle melodies that back up Anders's screaming, and then right away it delves into a power-chord/chugging combo. Again, I don't see how the song would be better off without that chugging section. It plays on the strong sense of rhythm that In Flames has been working on since Clayman.

To use an older example, even Only For the Weak does it, right before the first verse. That was the first riff I ever learned on guitar back when I sucked at playing. But it's powerful because of the melodic opening right before it.

And it's the same thing in All For Me, except I think it's more powerful there, and that's why it's my favorite track. It doesn't have to be melody all throughout, or consciously avoid using "nu-metal" riffs. I'm not trying to convince anyone that they should change their mind about the song or that facet of In Flames' sound, but I just want to point out that In Flames just seems to be working the dynamics between melody and aggression to their fullest on SOAPF.

I don't really agree with anything you said there, sorry :D I just think AFM is a stinker, but you've been able to explain why you think it's a good song so fair enough. Different opinions and all that jazz :D
Beardman's back. miss me?

Always! ;)

I thank you for this pleasant time we've spent. I salute y'all.

Well, it's not over yet I hope. I've just been called a retard and about to have a WWF fight with Krofius, DE4life is hunting me because I made him download emo album (and he actually LOVES Bottled)...and as if that wasn't enough, everybody seem to adore All for me which is basically ASOP all over again.


I see a lot of people saying how "the production is perfect". How the fuck is it perfect when you cant even hear the guitars properly in 80% of the time?

Well, if they did turn up volume of the guitars we wouldn't be able to hear all those layers of keyboards, vocals and samples. I actually like it. Sound is crystal clear, yet very powerful and complex. Suits the music I guess.

I just want to point out that In Flames just seems to be working the dynamics between melody and aggression to their fullest on SOAPF.

Yeah, that's nice and all, but AFM doesn't have melody, and doesn't have aggression. I would love the song if they did put at least one interesting killer riff in.

Wow, such a long reply. Too much free time on my hands.
Beardman's back. miss me? ;D. But seriously, this forum has gone through some crazy shit, beards, cocks, dreads, old vs new, etc. Krofius, A88, DE4life, TheCharade, and many more, I thank you for this pleasant time we've spent. I salute y'all.

P.S. : New idea, whenever ending a message, put the name of your country so that we can see just how far IF has gone. I'll start.

Spain :D

The two weeks before and after an In Flames release should be made into a holiday, like Christmas or something :D it's been fun... but shit isn't over yet ... the arguments haven't really begun properly yet :D I hope Krofius has got his old sparring gloves ready, cos I might have to go a few rounds with him :cool:

A88 said:
Well, it's not over yet I hope. I've just been called a retard and about to have a WWF fight with Krofius, DE4life is hunting me because I made him download emo album (and he actually LOVES Bottled)...and as if that wasn't enough, everybody seem to adore All for me which is basically ASOP all over again.

Keep digging that hole for yourself bro... keep digging :D

Also, if you two fight I call dibs on being the ref :D
I don't really agree with anything you said there, sorry :D I just think AFM is a stinker, but you've been able to explain why you think it's a good song so fair enough. Different opinions and all that jazz :D

Haha, that's fine, man, everyone approaches music a different way. Just trying to offer my own perspective. :)

In other news (?), "Darker Times" is the one song that's staying in my head the most. That harmonized riff in the first verse is just vicious.
I see a lot of people saying how "the production is perfect". How the fuck is it perfect when you cant even hear the guitars properly in 80% of the time?

Are your headphones/speakers messed up or something? You can hear all the instruments CRYSTAL clear throughout. And its all eq'd/mixed perfectly IMO.

P.S England :wave:
Nope, my sound system works fine. My headphones too. I can hear every single loop/synth fine, but guitars are often too buried in the mix.