In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

"Bjorn is a way better guitarst than Jesper". Almost stopped reading there. Not to mention that Bjorn isnt really that technical at all, let alone how he fucks up a lot when playing live.
“Talking about Whoracle, I was checking the internet the other day because a friend of mine told me somebody had done an acoustic cover of ‘Deliver Us’, the first single from the new album. I was checking out some of the links around it – some of which were phony, obviously – and one claimed to be a link to ‘Deliver Us’ when in fact it was ‘Episode 666’ from Whoracle (laughs). I was reading the comments beneath it and people were bashing it, saying ‘This sucks! In Flames was better in the old days!’ I was laughing my fucking ass off.” - Anders

That's hysterical.
I must stop reading their interviews...

It's like Anders is trying to come up with stupid-ish statements in every interview.

If I hear: "stick new stuff with shitty production on TJR and you wouldn't notice the difference" or "we can write In Flames trademark riff in the middle of the night" (well, fuck it, do it then!) or this thing with Episode more time, I'm gonna be sick.

And I agree with Drawntoblack on this "Bjorn is a way better guitarist than Jesper". Neither of them is too technical, buy Jesper is more influential. Maybe he went downwards now, with all the drinking problems, but still... Show some respect.

For some reason I'm just pissed of, so I will say this. I miss those folk-ish moments, I miss beautiful melodies, I miss great guitar sound, I miss death metal riffs (not this metal core, nu metal, modern metal, whatever...)... and I wouldn't miss whiny vocals, samples, weird modern productions and 291 catchy choruses per album.

Yeah, maybe I am evil, closeminded, old fan. ;)
what jesper did on song haunted by annihilator and way to shine by dimension zero is magical, bjorn isnt that good if you ask me, he improved his skills on this album but still not in jespers league.
It's just normal to prefer their older stuff.

Their older stuff is just unique and it has this sound to it that I can't describe. Their new stuff has tolerable riffs and melodies but that's about it. There's nothing that makes me go 'Wow, this is amazing!'
I mean, I thought SOAPF is a masterpiece. It's not really. It's original and a step up from their other new-era albums but that's about it. I praised SOAPF so much when it came out.

Just a few days ago I stumbled upon Jester Script Transfigured. I've never heard that song properly before. So I gave it a go and I was blown away. The melodies, riffs, vocals... They were just so unique and gave me that feeling the old IF songs seem to produce. That's what I want to feel with their newer stuff but sadly they just 'don't' (more like can't) write material like that.

I mean, a month ago I discovered Goliaths Disarm Their Davids and obviously blown away by that fucking intro riff. So good... I wish they included it in Whoracle so it could get better production.

I can see why diehard old IF fans hate their newer stuff. I mean, I'd kill for an album that sounds like Whoracle/Colony.
And here we go again... :/

Can't you just shut the f### up and enjoy the music, old and new ?

Serously. :Smug:

I prefer the old stuff. That's weird because I also prefer the new stuff. Well who cares ? I think that the quality of both The Jester Race and Sounds Of A Playground Fading is the same. I'm an OLD fan, don't get me wrong. And as long as I think that way, you won't make me believe that TJR has better quality stuff. Besides, as long as I think that way, hundreds of thousands of people may think so. Your arguments are pointless, mine are too. Music is what it is, but our tastes are different. As long as we don't have the same tastes, I don't give a single shit about what you guys can tell me about how the old or new stuff is better. Please, for once, let me enjoy the fucking music, old and new.

Thank you. :kickass:

I was just saying that I think their older stuff is just outstanding compared to their new stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I love their new stuff as well but all I'm saying is that their old stuff is what made me a huge IF fan, not their newer material. :)

I don't expect another Whoracle, Colony or whatever AT ALL, I'm just saying it would be really awesome if they did. Don't you agree?
I don't expect another Whoracle, Colony or whatever AT ALL, I'm just saying it would be really awesome if they did. Don't you agree?

How can I tell you?...Well : I just don't care. They do a new Whoracle each time I clic the "play" button on "Jotun". Will they do another album like that one day? They did it seven times since Whoracle already. Of course it would have been a huge disappointment if they did another Whoracle exactly.

"IN FLAMES recently announced that their 11th album will be named Whoracle
- Holy Fuck ! They already did an album called Whoracle !"

Download the whole thing, clic on the "play" button...WOW !!! It's Jotun !!!
Yeah dickhead, that's Whoracle you're listening to. :Smug:


EDIT : Dude. You have to TRY to understand that I like the new stuff just as much as the old stuff. Sure, it would be amazing to me if they did another thing like their old stuff...But it would be just as amazing to me if they did another thing like Come Clarity. I don't give a single shit.
And here the shit starts again...
Anders is speaking the truth about the Episode 666 thing, IT IS a hip thing to bash New In Flames nowadays, though I don't think there are many examples of people bashing Episode 666 not knowing it actually is Old IF, but obviously it has happened. People are still living in the past, And I don't understand why you question Anders saying Björn is a better guitar player technically, why wouldn't he be? There's a reason Jesper didn't want to perform the solos, he wasn't confident he could pull them off. Hint: Koln 1996 December Flower. How much more fail can you go when playing an song live?

Was reading some interviews from around 2002, 2003 and 2004 with Björn yesterday and he spoke about the old songs being heavily reworked to be able to play them live, which was why they basically only have played Moonshield sometimes cause that song didn't have tons of guitar layers and they didn't really have to change it to play live.

I think most people don't really understand how much they've had to rework the old songs to play them live.

Anyways, let the shitfest continue, and I doubt many people will stay on the forum, give it a few weeks and people will leave again. There was even more people during the release of ASOP here, but after a year we were basically 3-4 people left.

And also, since I think most people agree that Clayman is Colony Pt. 2, I honestly don't think the album following Clayman would have been better than Reroute, had they tried to keep writing in that style. I think it was either the band dying, or starting to try new things.
And also, since I think most people agree that Clayman is Colony Pt. 2, I honestly don't think the album following Clayman would have been better than Reroute, had they tried to keep writing in that style. I think it was either the band dying, or starting to try new things.

Yeah. Obviously, Clayman is Colony Pt. 2, as it is also Lunar Strain Pt. 5, The Jester Race Pt. 4 and Whoracle Pt. 3. By the way, I am quite sure that Sounds Of A Playground Fading is The Jester Race Pt. 9.

EDIT : I cheated on the last part, someone told me.
How can I tell you?...Well : I just don't care. They do a new Whoracle each time I clic the "play" button on "Jotun". Will they do another album like that one day? They did it seven times since Whoracle already. Of course it would have been a huge disappointment if they did another Whoracle exactly.

"IN FLAMES recently announced that their 11th album will be named Whoracle
- Holy Fuck ! They already did an album called Whoracle !"

Download the whole thing, clic on the "play" button...WOW !!! It's Jotun !!!
Yeah dickhead, that's Whoracle you're listening to. :Smug:


EDIT : Dude. You have to TRY to understand that I like the new stuff just as much as the old stuff. Sure, it would be amazing to me if they did another thing like their old stuff...But it would be just as amazing to me if they did another thing like Come Clarity. I don't give a single shit.

It's all down to opinion.
You like their new stuff as much as their old stuff. I fully understand that now.

To me, there is no other Whoracle. Nor is there another TJR, Colony or Clayman. All these albums have attributes that makes them unique.
What I'm saying is, that it would be awesome (to me) if they released another album that had the Whoracle feeling.

Although you like their material equally, I'm saying that I prefer their older stuff and that I'd be ecstatic if they released another album that sounded similar to their older stuff.

Apologies if I just started a shit fest, I never meant for my post to sound like that.

I was just explaining how I would love it if IF released an album sounding like their old era.

In no way did I go 'their new stuff is crap, I want their old stuff and their old stuff only' and sorry if it sounded like that, but it really didn't.

I guess we should end it here because I really didn't mean to initiate any arguments/debates.
Excuse the long post.

And drawntoblack, why would you stop reading? I honestly think they know best. Anders said that in the Close-Up magazine interview with him, Björn and Jesper as well, and Jesper did agree.

Why would I stop reading? Because Anders said some things that dont make sense. At all. I especially lol'd hard at that "we could fuck up production, it would be TJR all again" comment. Now, I am one of those rare few people who think that TJR had perfect production for that kind of music. You can hear everything clearly. Guitars have amazing tone. Drums sound real. Whoracle and Colony are pretty much the same. Clayman has totally different production, but it suits the music so well. But how can someone tell me that RTR, STYE, ASOP/SOAPF have better production than that, is beyond me. Does it sound more modern? Yes, but thats all. Can you hear everything clearly? No. Is it better? No sir. Vocals (especially on RTR and STYE) sound too distorted and muddy, it makes Anders sound like a robot. They scooped guitars so much on RTR that they lost almost all definition. I wont even comment on the last two albums, because I already explained my opinions on them.

Come Clarity being the exception. Both production-wise and quality wise. Guitars are upfront again, bass is grindy and loud (you can actually hear what Peter is playing on this one), drums sound awesome, and Anders too (though this one is really subjective, I personally liked cleans a lot). I will never understand why they didnt stick with CC production later on ASOP.

The riffs started to change a lot on Clayman first. I think that there are some songs with dropped tunings on Colony, but its not untill Clayman that they went with the American style of riffs. Minimal melody, mostly open string chugging (prime examples being verses of the Pinball Map and Clayman). Dont get me wrong, I love Clayman, but I'm just saying its where everything started to go downhill. RTR pushed this even further. ASOP/SOAPF represent IMHO the "new" new In Flames. Riffs and melodies sound totally different. They lost their identity. No replay value whatsoever, and those few good ideas are buried low in the mix, under all those useless layers of vocals and samples/keys. So no way in hell can you take any single riff/melody from last 6 albums and stick it on TJR.

Just because Anders spent 15 years in the same band with Jesper, it doesnt mean that he knows better than you, me or anyone else how good guitar player Jesper is. Which is why I disagree with that "I think that they know best" thing that you said. Sure, Jesper's technique is not the best there is. The way he holds his pick is so weird and unusual, especially the way he plucks the strings. But everything sounds good, which is all that matters in the end when it comes to that aspect of guitar playing. And those rare occasions when he plays a melody/solo, its spot on. Unlike Bjorn, no offense to him whatsoever. Have any of you seen IF live? Then you know what I'm talking about. If anything, this can be seen on Used and Abused live. Almost every solo is different, a lot of notes being skipped/changed etc. That Evil in a closet solo is probably the easiest thing ever to play, yet he managed to butcher it completely. He is a decent guitar player and a good composer, but thats it.

We already explained that whole "old IF have too many guitar tracks in order to be played live" thing, but here it is again for you. How is having 5 guitar tracks unlogical, yet having 15 vocal tracks and using them as backing tracks live not? To be completely honest, old IF stuff isnt that hard AT ALL to replicate live. You can have one rhytm guitar and one lead guitar with harmonizer, and voila, almost everything can be done. Do you honestly believe that even new IF songs have just two guitars on studio records? There are at least 4 or 6 just rhytm guitars with overdubs, let alone melodies and harmonies.
I'm about to leave if this pointless old vs. new shit continues. It's all opinion. Stop saying one is better than the other. I agree with PlainVanilla. The music is different because they want to write different music. Their riffs all have an In Flames feel. I probably wouldn't say put any new riff on TJR, I would start no earlier than Whoracle for that. If you took any new riff and made the production and tune of the guitars and everything sound the same as they do on Whoracle, it would feel natural going riff to riff. I'm not going to argue that any more than what I just did. Same with the other old/new argument. It's boring, annoying, stupid. If it continues, I'm out. Maybe I'll see you all when the next album is coming out.
I love the production on R2R. I love the ambiance that it brings. You don't like it, and I don't give a fuck about it. The simple fact that I love it means that it's not bad. I like the fact that guitar melodies sound so smooth. Actually, I prefer their sound on R2R than on Clayman.

I am NOT trolling right now.

Cheers !

I would like to add this : R2R is my all time favorite album (and not only as an In Flames album). Anyway, I don't particulary want In Flames to do another R2R. I mean...I really don't understand your problem guys. Each time I play R2R I'm in heaven. This said, I let In Flames what they did best so far : surprise me and seduce me. Another R2R ? Fuck, it's not a surprise ! What's your point guys ???