In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

I dont hate it, I can tolerate it. And I like RTR overall a lot.

So if everyone is hating it, and you are this one person who likes it, you really belive that your sole opinion changes anything?
For every single thing that is on this world, I can name at least one or two persons who like it. Does it mean that nothing is bad? Just a hypothetic question trying to show you flaw in your logic.
I dont hate it, I can tolerate it. And I like RTR overall a lot.

So if everyone is hating it, and you are this one person who likes it, you really belive that your sole opinion changes anything?

If I like it, someone else can like it too. It means that it's not bad. It's just a fact.

We are talking about ART. Art that can be liked is NOT bad. If you don't like it, just say that you don't like it and I'll be pleased to answer you that I don't give a fuck about your opinion, but you can't say it's bad.
We are talking about ART. Art that can be liked is NOT bad.

For every single piece of art that there is, there is at least one person who likes it. Can you name me one band that is in your opinion bad? I guarantee that there is bunch of people who like it. Art is objective. Not that I see what does mixing/producing music have to do with art at all. Its just another technical aspect of music.

Doesnt matter if we are talking bands, painters or any other type of artists. Some people simply like things that arent good. Its not the end of the world.
Opinion shouldn't change anything, whether if the minority agrees, or the majority agrees.

An opinion is an opinion. It's what 1 person thinks about something and really that shouldn't change anything.

It's not bad in someone's opinion, but it could be bad in another person's opinion.

Like me. I don't think R2R's production is as bad as others see it. I accept that people think it's got bad production. It's THEIR opinion.
For every single piece of art that there is, there is at least one person who likes it. Can you name me one band that is in your opinion bad? I guarantee that there is bunch of people who like it. Art is objective. Not that I see what does mixing/producing music have to do with art at all. Its just another technical aspect of music.

Doesnt matter if we are talking bands, painters or any other type of artists. Some people simply like things that arent good. Its not the end of the world.

I am not answering to this. I'm going to listen to Ropes and Lord Hypnos while doing interesting things.

Old Vs New debate is killing that thread finally.

This said, I let In Flames what they did best so far : surprise me and seduce me. Another R2R ? Fuck, it's not a surprise ! What's your point guys ???

I'd just like to say it's your opinion that you want to be surprised with new material.

I'm OK with a band progressing but in MY opinion I would like it if they released something that sounded like Whoracle.

Now that I countered your opinion with valid facts, you are going to play a "not this old vs new shit again" card? Seriously?

Who mentioned Old vs New anyway? Sure wasnt me. As far as I care, I like them both. I'm really laughing now.
Can you name me one band that is in your opinion bad? I guarantee that there is bunch of people who like it.

That's the truth.

I hate Bullet for My Valentine. I think they're bad. I know for a fact that they have thousands of fans who think they're great.
See, that's called an OPINION.
That's the truth.

I hate Bullet for My Valentine. I think they're bad. I know for a fact that they have thousands of fans who think they're great.
See, that's called an OPINION.

You are so stupid. What I'm trying to explain you guys for an hour now is that an album is not bad as long as I (or anyone else) like it. It may be bad in your opinion (know that word) but not as an assumed fact. Now read my comments again, you will understand.

I'm now done with stupid people.
You are so stupid. What I'm trying to explain you guys for an hour now is that an album is not bad as long as I (or anyone else) like it. It may be bad in your opinion (know that word) but not as an assumed fact. Now read my comments again, you will understand.

I'm now done with stupid people.

We get what you are trying to explain just fine. Its just that the way you think lacks any kind of logic. There is no such thing as band that is hated on "assumed fact". Jesus Christ, just name me a one example.

Because this way, you are saying that nothing can be objectively bad as long as YOU like it. Which, needless to say, comes off a bit pretentious.

The only difference is that I dont feel an urge to tell you how stupid you are. Its one of the main definitive points of stupid people, they wont get that they are stupid no matter how many times you tell them.
An album can't be just bad on its own. It can only be bad if someone thinks it is. And there are others that will disagree.

Know what I'm saying? There Is no defined fact if something is bad. It's down to someone's fucking opinion.

It was a heated debate at first, now it seems like you're making an ass of yourself.
I don't really want to join this, but there are bad things in this world. I don't mean bad as in evil, I mean bad as in poor. Just because one person likes it, doesn't make it not bad. It can still be bad. There are plenty of movies I like that are terrible, but that doesn't make them good. They are bad. But entertaining. I know movies aren't too comparable to music, but you can get my point. As someone said, there is at least one person in this world that likes something; everything on this earth has at least one fan. But that alone doesn't make that thing not bad. I think I've made my point clear. To be extreme, think about this. Hitler had fans. Was he a good person?
I don't really want to join this, but there are bad things in this world. I don't mean bad as in evil, I mean bad as in poor. Just because one person likes it, doesn't make it not bad. It can still be bad. There are plenty of movies I like that are terrible, but that doesn't make them good. They are bad. But entertaining. I know movies aren't too comparable to music, but you can get my point. As someone said, there is at least one person in this world that likes something; everything on this earth has at least one fan. But that alone doesn't make that thing not bad. I think I've made my point clear. To be extreme, think about this. Hitler had fans. Was he a good person?

I don't consider Hitler as an artist. Do you ?

Please say no...
Hitler wasn't a good person. My opinion. The majority's opinion.

There's no doubt that Nazi's think that he was good. Surprise, surprise - opinion.

An object is 'neutral' on its own. It depends solely on what someone thinks of it. Nothing can be defined as good or bad as a fact.
No, I do not. But I was making a comparison. If you want an art-to-art comparison, here: I saw at an art museum, a canvas hung on the wall. On the canvas, was...nothing. It was just a shitty, BAD, white canvas.
No, I see what you're getting at, and I like the way you're explaining yourself. I just believe that there are things that can be declared bad as a fact, and not just by opinion.
Well I like to think that something can only be defined as bad/good by someone's own opinion.
I won't be able to change your opinion nor will you be able to change mine.

Let's go for the cliched agree to disagree.
Excuse the long post.

Why would I stop reading? Because Anders said some things that dont make sense. At all. I especially lol'd hard at that "we could fuck up production, it would be TJR all again" comment. Now, I am one of those rare few people who think that TJR had perfect production for that kind of music. You can hear everything clearly. Guitars have amazing tone. Drums sound real. Whoracle and Colony are pretty much the same. Clayman has totally different production, but it suits the music so well. But how can someone tell me that RTR, STYE, ASOP/SOAPF have better production than that, is beyond me. Does it sound more modern? Yes, but thats all. Can you hear everything clearly? No. Is it better? No sir. Vocals (especially on RTR and STYE) sound too distorted and muddy, it makes Anders sound like a robot. They scooped guitars so much on RTR that they lost almost all definition. I wont even comment on the last two albums, because I already explained my opinions on them.

Come Clarity being the exception. Both production-wise and quality wise. Guitars are upfront again, bass is grindy and loud (you can actually hear what Peter is playing on this one), drums sound awesome, and Anders too (though this one is really subjective, I personally liked cleans a lot). I will never understand why they didnt stick with CC production later on ASOP.

The riffs started to change a lot on Clayman first. I think that there are some songs with dropped tunings on Colony, but its not untill Clayman that they went with the American style of riffs. Minimal melody, mostly open string chugging (prime examples being verses of the Pinball Map and Clayman). Dont get me wrong, I love Clayman, but I'm just saying its where everything started to go downhill. RTR pushed this even further. ASOP/SOAPF represent IMHO the "new" new In Flames. Riffs and melodies sound totally different. They lost their identity. No replay value whatsoever, and those few good ideas are buried low in the mix, under all those useless layers of vocals and samples/keys. So no way in hell can you take any single riff/melody from last 6 albums and stick it on TJR.

Just because Anders spent 15 years in the same band with Jesper, it doesnt mean that he knows better than you, me or anyone else how good guitar player Jesper is. Which is why I disagree with that "I think that they know best" thing that you said. Sure, Jesper's technique is not the best there is. The way he holds his pick is so weird and unusual, especially the way he plucks the strings. But everything sounds good, which is all that matters in the end when it comes to that aspect of guitar playing. And those rare occasions when he plays a melody/solo, its spot on. Unlike Bjorn, no offense to him whatsoever. Have any of you seen IF live? Then you know what I'm talking about. If anything, this can be seen on Used and Abused live. Almost every solo is different, a lot of notes being skipped/changed etc. That Evil in a closet solo is probably the easiest thing ever to play, yet he managed to butcher it completely. He is a decent guitar player and a good composer, but thats it.

We already explained that whole "old IF have too many guitar tracks in order to be played live" thing, but here it is again for you. How is having 5 guitar tracks unlogical, yet having 15 vocal tracks and using them as backing tracks live not? To be completely honest, old IF stuff isnt that hard AT ALL to replicate live. You can have one rhytm guitar and one lead guitar with harmonizer, and voila, almost everything can be done. Do you honestly believe that even new IF songs have just two guitars on studio records? There are at least 4 or 6 just rhytm guitars with overdubs, let alone melodies and harmonies.
So much to respond to and it's 4AM so I won't bother with it all.
There's to much exaggeration in the post as well, 15 vocal tracks, who the fuck are you trying to fool? And Whoracle having a perfect drum sound that sounds real? Are you kidding me? Whoracle is my favorite album but I'm not deaf, the snare drum almost sounds worse than the ones on Death Magnetic ffs. And also, on Whoracle the double bass drum is almost indistinguishable at many times. And if you listen to Food For The Gods, the drums is playing the wrong fucking rhythm in at 0:07 into the song. Sounds fucking retarded imo. But hey, I still hold Whoracle as my favorite record but I couldn't disagree more on the drums sounding good. If anything, the drum production has only become better during the years. And neither do Johan's bassplaying on Whoracle, you can barely hear the bass. I'd say the best Bass sound IF ever had was on Come Clarity, it was really audible.

I'm not looking to argue so you can stick to your opinion and I'll stick to mine, it's just annoying when you say that Anders said things that he didn't. He never said that ''if we take away the production it would be TJR all over again'', he said that some riffs and melodies without any of the fancy production could be thrown into a song in Lunar Strain for example and you wouldn't hear the difference. And that IS true.