In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

They have played The Hive for every American show last tour I think.

Yes they played it during ALL of 2009. Also major part of 2008 as well I think. I don't mind it though, and I think their little re-arranged live version of The Hive sounds fucking awesome. Especially the lead part they've added to the ''YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN'' breakdown thing.
This lower voice Anders is doing is so good. It must be because of that manly beard. :D

Seriously, songs are much more enjoyable without screeching and whining.
The lower growl is much easier on the throat than Anders' traditional screams so I'm not surprised he's doing them more. When he changed his style from Whoracle to Colony to a screamier tone there was always a risk his throat would struggle with the pressure put on it. It sounded like he was struggling around 2001 - 2003 (especially on Clayman) but he regained his power from 2004 onwards, I can only assume his throat got used to the abuse.

The reason you hear very few vocalists like Anders (1999 onwards style, at least) is because it's almost impossible to sustain such vocals live. The guy from A7X tried and his throat literally exploded :D what a gay.
Anders sounded pretty much the same in live situations untill R2R. Check that live show from Koln, he was screaming even then. I bet that 80% of how he will sound depends on the producer in the studio, which explains why he always sounds different. I mean, the most obvious example, compare ASOP to SOAPF.
He sounds like he's raping an animal in Koln. His live voice changes HUGELY by the time '99 rolls round.
He sounds like he's raping an animal in Koln. His live voice changes HUGELY by the time '99 rolls round.

This "Anders rapes an animal" vox is 1000 better then "Anders being raped by an animal (extremely large specimen)" vox that he was using for the last few albums.
This "Anders rapes an animal" vox is 1000 better then "Anders being raped by an animal (extremely large specimen)" vox that he was using for the last few albums.

True... though neither of these styles or descriptions particularly flatters him :D
Oh shit.... I don't want to reduce anyone to tears or anything.... but I think I just found out where In Flames got their inspiration for the intro to A New Dawn from...

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There's a video of the Hive from Sonisphere now. However, all you hear is Peter Iwers playing his bass with his dick.
Anders sounded pretty much the same in live situations untill R2R. Check that live show from Koln, he was screaming even then. I bet that 80% of how he will sound depends on the producer in the studio, which explains why he always sounds different. I mean, the most obvious example, compare ASOP to SOAPF.

He always sounds different because he likes to sound different and not force vocals just for the sake of having them. As for producers, they had the same producer for ASOP and SOAPF. Also, I'm pretty sure Anders has used the same guy to produce his vocals on the past few albums, the last four or five I believe.

As for the BVB intro, maybe the first 3 or 4 notes are similar.
And just how the hell do you know what does he like? :) They had the same producer, and its most likely him who guides the direction of how the vocals will sound in the end.
Oh shit.... I don't want to reduce anyone to tears or anything.... but I think I just found out where In Flames got their inspiration for the intro to A New Dawn from...


Hehe more like BVB copying A7x.

0:09 of both songs are pretty much the same :)

Also, if you listen to Unholy Confessions and Knives and Pens... Similar intro riff expect A7x does it way better.

BVB sucks, A7x deserves a wee bit of respect :D
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And just how the hell do you know what does he like? :) They had the same producer, and its most likely him who guides the direction of how the vocals will sound in the end.

Regardless of if I know or not, what you said implies that there is a new producer for each album, since he sounds different on each album. And since they had the same producer, why would he want to change the vocals when Anders has been doing the vocals for every album since TJR? It makes a hell of a lot more sense that Anders does what he wants with the vocals, and the producer is just there to help him perfect what he does. You’re doing a lot more singing now, as opposed to doing your usual screaming voice. How does that feel knowing you’ve reached this point as a singer?

Friden: It didn’t come to me one day, it’s been a transition over the years. The music needed more clean vocals and you can’t do it for the sake of it being there. The drummer gets it, like “Daniel needs to have a drum solo! Let’s do it for five minutes!” I remember we did the song “Ropes” and Daniel was producing the vocals and he said, “Stop. Do you realize what you’re doing? So far we haven’t made any screams on this song.” It’s such a natural thing for us, like we don’t need it. The song is still aggressive, but it should be like that. We can still do fast and crazy stuff, but I don’t feel it anymore and I think a song like “Enter Tragedy,” the fastest song on the album, was the hardest to do because we’re so familiar with those type of songs. It’s harder to make those interesting.

So, I know "what he likes" because I read interviews and watch studio updates. His vocals are natural and fit the lyrics he writes, so he has the majority of the say of what they sound like.