In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Well, ofcourse that clean vocals dont have anything to do with the producer. You cant record screams and edit them into cleans. I honestly have no idea what you tried to prove/show/claim with that.

You dont understand what I'm trying to say here. Compare screams on ASOP and screams on SOAPF. They sound different. Anders doesnt really have all that great control over his voice, he cant really scream in 15 different ways. Its producers credit.

The fact that he is incorporating more clean singing and less screams with every record is a topic for whole new discussion. And thats not what I had in mind.
I'm not sure you know how to provide points with your opinions then, because you haven't been making a lot of sense. He hasn't had a different producer on each album. His screams have usually progressed to the cleaner side of things. So my point was pretty damn valid. If you don't get it, then there's no helping you. I know the screams on those two albums sound different, so do all of his screams on all of the albums. He clearly can scream in 15 different ways since he has been doing that with each new album. He's never produced the same vocals on more than one album. And how would cleans not have anything to do with the producer? So what you're saying is that you can edit screams, but not cleans? That makes no sense. Yes, the producer effects vocals. But Anders decides what he wants them to sound like. The producer just makes suggestions. I couldn't go in there and scream my ass off and then have the producer mix shit and make me sound like Anders. He can clean things up, but what you hear is Anders. So, again, it's almost all Anders.
The whole part about the clean vocal tendency is proving what I'm talking about. He changes the vocals to match what he writes. He writes the lyrics, so why would the producer decide what fits the Anders-written lyrics?
He sounds like he's raping an animal in Koln. His live voice changes HUGELY by the time '99 rolls round.

I think his voice started changing after TJR came out, or at least after Whoracle. If you listen to the Club Citta Bootleg (i think its from 97-98) you can see that he uses his "yelling" voice a lot. I think that he either couldnt growl anymore or he was switching to a screaming voice, wich IMO its what fucked up his voice.

I also think that every record has a unique vocal style:

TJR and Whoracle - Growls, not the same kind but growls either way.

Colony - Screams and those semi-growls that sound awesome (see Resin).

Clayman - Really high pitched screams and that double-layered effect instead of growls.

R2R,STYE,CC,ASOP,SOAPF - High-pitched growlish vocals (some better than the others, ASOP being the most awful of them).

I noticed that he uses a lower register on that Colony live video posted in the last page. I'd like to see more of that.
I think Anders' vocals are result of him being unable to find a style that totally suits his vocal cords. Hell, live, he has trouble to maintain the same style through single song. So he wanders around singing whatever fits him the most at that time.

On the other hand he must have some idea what he wants to do on particular song/album so that is a major factor.

And, in the end, I partially agree with drawntoblack. Everyone who recorded some music knows the influence and significance of good/bad producer. Even if producer stays the same, sound doesn't have to. Everything depends on how much do you let producer be involved in recording process.

Think of that part (seen in the studio episode): "You question me? I question you!" done with sinister growls... Daniel asked Anders to do it another time and on album version it ended up like half-clean sung part. If Daniel was feeling more aggressive/death metal-ish that day, Anders vocals on that song would sound totally different.
And, in the end, I partially agree with drawntoblack. Everyone who recorded some music knows the influence and significance of good/bad producer. Even if producer stays the same, sound doesn't have to. Everything depends on how much do you let producer be involved in recording process.

Indeed... listen to the difference between Clayman and R2R. Same vocal style, but the way the sound is processed on R2R completely changes how they come across. He often sounds robotic on R2R because of the (imo) poor vocal production.

I also think people underestimate the change in vocal style from TJR to Whoracle. Listen to the Episode 666 demo and the Episode 666 album version. The vocals are totally different.

Also, A88, how do you feel about A New Dawn's intro being thieved from our good friends BVB? :D
Also, A88, how do you feel about A New Dawn's intro being thieved from our good friends BVB? :D

Your affection for BVB knows no boundaries... But yeah, it is obvious that a lesser band such as In Flames must follow and copy trendsetters like BVB (not Borusssia Dortmund). :D
Somebody should ask Bjorn if he's a secret BVB fan. They're up there with Tokio Hotel in terms of tr00 bands.
Wow, this is creepy... I just thought about BVP reminding me of TH. It's because of these singers... You never know are they ugly girls or really, really gay guys.

Bjorn: "I was always a big fan of classic hard rock scene... Bands like Deep purple, Rainbow, Dio... But I listen to a lot of really aggressive tr00 stuff like Metallica, Slayer, Black Veil Brides, Morbid Angel, Tokio Hotel, Backstreet boys and Cannibal Corpse. Also, our drummer Daniel wanted us to wear makeup on (and off) stage, but Anders thought it would be too much. He says local animals don't like makeup..."
:D there was a picture posted on here a while back of Daniel with the emo eyeliner around his eyes... maybe he's the one who listens to BVB :eek:"hey guys, check THIS out" *puts on BVB - Children Surrender* Anders "oh man, those lyrics are sick" Bjorn "excellent guitars too..."

And so A New Dawn was born... :(
Shut up (Clay)man, we're taking over these thread... This is now officially "BVB fan club and upcoming album" thread. :D


If they did listen to some BVB, they would at least come up with some sick melodeath riffs...

God, I hope Anders doesn't read these forums... If he does: "We love you man, just fooling around a bit" :D
Black Veil Brides - the newest and best melodeath band!

God, I hope Anders doesn't read these forums... If he does: "We love you man, just fooling around a bit" :D

Pffftt, I'd just be like fuck you, asshole :D
If Anders ever did actually post on this board i'd write about a 50,000 word reply to him telling him exactly what I thought :D not even Krofius could hold me back!
If Anders ever did actually post on this board i'd write about a 50,000 word reply to him telling him exactly what I thought :D not even Krofius could hold me back!

Oh yes he could!


5. Lord Bottle

This one is about Jesper or about Winston Churchill?
Still no fucking upload of The Hive from Sonisphere...But heres a performance of Deliver Us that I thought was pretty good:

Anders really seems to be using the death growl lately which I don't think anyone can complain over :)
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You guys are assholes to Anders. Also, you're full of shit about growls being easier. That's the main reason he even switches to screaming in the first place.
He stated that Colony was one of his more intense recording performances he's ever done. You can tell after he did that album, that his voice suffered a bit.