In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

He said this before that he just don't do them that often anymore really. It's like on the new album, they had to change Enter Tragedy's song structure because it was the same old ''fast aggressive In Flames song'' that they've done so many times before, and he said that those things are getting boring since they've already done it so much. But actually most of the times when he growls live, he growls parts that are actually in the album, but the high pitched scream is much higher volume than the growl in the layer, for example the ''these thoughts'' part in Take This Life, the death growl underneath the scream is barely audible, but it's there.

Yeah, I understand him being bored by doing the same stuff. Just sucks because I really rate Anders' screaming and growling, whereas in comparison I'm not a big fan of his singing.
It's like on the new album, they had to change Enter Tragedy's song structure because it was the same old ''fast aggressive In Flames song'' that they've done so many times before, and he said that those things are getting boring since they've already done it so much.

They could've made a slow agressive song then instead. But I'm not complaining, Enter Tragedy is one of the better songs on the new album. I love the chorus. On the other hand, I dont remember when I listened to the new album last time. I got tired of it a lot more faster than I did with ASOP. Been listening a lot of Clayman recently though.

Are there any fans of his singing? :D

What singing? :D
I'm still listening to SOAPF :) admittedly i skip the first 3 tracks and always start on the Puzzle and work my way through. Also usually skip TJD and The Attic.
His singing on this album is probably some of his best by far. His voice is very nasally, which can be a turn off. He has great control over his cleans now, 10 years ago he couldn't even do them live.

I like how he sang on Colony and Clayman though because he could hide the nasally sound from his voice.
His singing on this album is probably some of his best by far. His voice is very nasally, which can be a turn off. He has great control over his cleans now, 10 years ago he couldn't even do them live.

I like how he sang on Colony and Clayman though because he could hide the nasally sound from his voice.

His singing voice on Colony was great... Insipid 2000, Colony(song), Coerced Coexistence, Ordinary Story... all very good clean vocals.

It's a shame he altered his style, but maybe his singing style on Colony was largely studio-created and impossible to replicate live.
I'm still listening to SOAPF :) admittedly i skip the first 3 tracks and always start on the Puzzle and work my way through. Also usually skip TJD and The Attic.

:yow: The title track is amazing. I'm constantly in awe of it. I can understand why people think Deliver Us is just a radio track, but i think it's great. And i can get the hate for All for Me, although personally i don't mind it as a mid-temp plodder.

I still maintain my least favourite SOAPF track is Fear is the Weakness.

I don't mind Anders' clean vocals (especially on Come Clarity, although possibly overproduced? He seems to pull off the title track really well live though, i'll give him that). But i'm getting sick of that half-scream, half-yell that he has adopted as his main style. I'd say that perhaps Anders should do more of the growls found in the verses of A New Dawn, but they sound harsh on the vocal chords. On the otherhand, the low death growls he does live sound easy on the vocal chords (who knows- he could be shredding his throat? Doubt it though, it seems to come naturally enough) and they seem decent enough to build a song around.

Imagine In Flames' 2013 album- Bjorn writing immense melodies, Niclas throwing heavy industrial rythm behind the leads, Daniel pounding masterfully as always, and Anders growing like a death metal nutcase, with clean singing and high pitched screaming splashed around here and there.

Does anyone else think that Anders sounds like Serj Takian on Ropes?
nvm lol, I messed up, it's ANOTHER guy named Daniel Svensson who's little brother passed away apparently, so I don't know who the person is since that guy isn't ''immediate family'' of anyone in IF although he seemed to be a very good friend of Björn's little brother. Weird coincidence though...