In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Song edit is just...terrible. It's four and a half minutes long anyway. Why cut it?
Their beards are seriously out of control.

No, no, no, the beards are NEVER out of control.

Man, where has Anders been hiding these low growls?? He's throwing them in everywhere! Good on him! And Bjorn has really stepped up to the plate since Jesper left, he's turning into a guitar GOD! Even changing bits around in the live show... damn! :D
I have a feeling that this video have been posted here before, but still...:D

HOLY FUCK this is awesome, what a damn growl by Anders around 0:23! And a good circle pit going on there as well =)
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Haha that pit looks fuckin' gnarly!! :kickass:

Are 'N Flames gonna be playing Download 2012? Black Sabbath reunion, Metallica playing the black album, hopefully Machine Head will be high on the bill and it would top it off to have a beard like Anders.

damn I really hate the fact that I couldn't see them during this tour :S

damn I really hate the fact that I couldn't see them during this tour :S
Seeing them tomorrow in Stockholm, Hovet. Can't fucking wait, it's gonna be intense. Don't really care for the other bands playing though, Ghost can fuck off, Insense is decent, Trivium decent to good (studio material, might be very good live I don't know) And rise to remain I haven't heard a second of material but I think they are metalcore.