In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

god I hate google translator... but i get the general idea. the album's really good. :P

god can wait. i want another god damn studio episode!!!!!
I remember a while ago that I used Acquisition to find some songs of another band whose album was gonna be released like a month later and I found it there ready to be downloaded (of course the quality wasn't as perfect as the studio version, it had some watermark in it) but I got to hear it a month before everyone else. (or at least everyone who didn't have Acquisition).

Just a thought that it may be in Acquisition...

vocals sounds a lot better in the studio version!!

the "SOMEWHERE WITH NO DIRECTIONSSS" part sound like from lunar strain album with those layers (specially the "directions") - i know that anders arrives in the jester race... but the effects are lunarstrainesque :wave: