Here's my two cents about the new Flames album:
Personally, A Sense Of Purpose is my absolute favorite album by In Flames, I've followed the band for a very, very long time, yet for the majority of their later releases, I've felt they were a "great singles" band with a few other good songs on each album. Not a band to buy albums from. But ASOP was the album that I listen to straight through and I continue to do so till this day. It brings so much inspiration to me that I can't even describe, I loved Anders' lyrical and vocal direction, I loved the band's new sense of tight songwriting with dense and playful keys, and the experiments that ASOP had were to die for. The Chosen Pessimist, Condemned, Sober, and Disconnected are some of my favorite songs in In Flames' entire career. I even loved Alex Pardee's amazing artwork!
Now, with the new album, I obviously hoped things would stay the same. And they obviously did, with a few exceptions. I personally don't like the new artwork as much, to me, it looks a bit cheap and bland (I felt like Alex should have done this one again, imagine the color!). And in some ways, I feel like the new songs reflect this blandness. Deliver Us, while holding an amazing ASOP-esque chorus, felt conjumbled and bland to me. It seemed more like a demo. And the title track to SOAPF just felt horridly messy and not well composed in the vocal stylings (though instrumentally, the song was refreshing). However, my favorite song so far is indeed A New Dawn; sadly, like the two songs before it, the song seems very messy and very underproduced (ASOP was 'choatic', but well produced), making the details very hard to make out and scarce, but I feel like the song still shines brightly with the emotional chorus and the truly amazing violin section (though I wish Anders' vocals during this section were real, instead of a 'copy and paste' from the chorus - this is so unlike Anders', he usually records separate tracks even for each chorus.) Overall, so far, the new album seems average.
I just felt that ASOP was a very hard album to pick a single from (and I still think Disconnected would have been the best single of all for that release) because all the songs were extremely equal and all so grand. But I believe Sounds will be more like previous In Flames albums; the singles will probably stand out a bit more than the rest, even if slightly. I think this album will have a lot more experiments, but I do hope that it comes together and creates something emotionally impacting rather than just experimenting for the sake of it.