In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Awwww, audience doesn't like Jotun... Woohoo, let's throw in the masterpiece that is Touch of Red! ;)

OK, I get it!

as long as they get huge crowds of emo tossers singing along to "I FEEL LIKE SHIT, BUT AT LEAST I FEEL SOMETHINGGGG!!" i guess they'll be happy.

I mean Krofius, do you really believe all that stuff. "We wanted to evolve as an artists and musicians, to make timeless masterpieces - so we started doing 3 minute radio hits" or "crowd was shit back in the '90 or early '00, but when we started doing stuff like Disconnected - wow, mayhem, mosh pits everywhere, those true metalheads in the first row, die-hard fans etc.etc."

Someone will be excited by that setlist, to me personally it's just mediocre and boring. They moved from a crowd liking their music in 1996 (and will like that music until 2056 or so), to crowd that likes everything that comes around as a hot stuff of the moment.

And that my friends is called - (instant) POP culture.

Metal is supposed to be anti-pop. Don't get this mixed up with not having enough appreciation for other genres. I listen to everything from classical, folk, r'n'r, metal, ambiental, jazz etc.etc. But, I don't listen instant pop hits that are forgotten in a few years.
The fans aren't going to move because In Flames catered their post-2000 music to people who don't really appreciate proper metal :D (not saying everyone who likes their new stuff doesn't appreciate good metal btw, just that the music is geared towards the poser types). It's stupid for him to blame the fans for not moving and threaten not to play the older songs when it's a direct result of In Flames moving towards a crowd that by and large doesn't give a fuck about good metal and is just there for the 'chugga chugga' riffs and choruses where they can sing about how much they want to take their lives and feel like shit.

I can put up with a lot of shit from Anders but he can't troll like that and expect it to be accepted as anything close to a legitimate reason to not play older stuff :D

The reason they don't play older stuff is simply because their 'crowd' is now people who don't appreciate their old music. Simple as that, blaming the crowd for 'not moving' is just childish on his part.
Lol no, it's basically like this, people in the crowd are screaming for the Old songs all the time, but when they play the song they stand there like Zombies.

And please stop the sellout card...Yes of course it's their ''fault'' their audience might not enjoy the old songs as much, but they have just written the music they've wanted to, the situation is unintentional. But check their setlists from 2008, it had A LOT of Old songs in it. All bands plays their hits, I guess it's a boring risk of removing Trigger and adding Jester Script Transfigured for example, as much as we might want too.

Even with that setlist I would go see them. All their songs sound great live IMO.

EDIT: Found some cool news, totally unrelated to this thread, but to In Flames:
I have read an article with him saying that about the fans demanding older songs and then not reacting at all when they are played. So I don't think Anders is wrong at all to say that. And what exactly is "proper metal"? That's the beauty of metal, is that the genre is so vast and varied. They didn't gear their music towards anyone, they wanted to make new music with every album so that they wouldn't become a stale band.
A88, don't call anything that In Flames does pop music. I am very picky with the metal that I listen to, and I love every In Flames song and will always love them. They will never fade in my mind. And I agree with Krofius completely.
So Deliver Us in not pop oriented?

It is written as a single, the song has absolutely no substance except chorus and stuff around it, guitars are drowned in the mix, it is 3.33 long (lol, it can qualify for Eurovision contest).

When a band like Opeth becomes massively popular doing 10 minute epics, staying true to their sound, that is OK. But when a band changes music, composing, style, image...everything, to become popular, that is not OK in my book. But again, that is just my personal opinion, it doesn't have to be THE truth.

I really can't believe it is natural to make 5 or 6 albums rooted in one idea, and then start to change in pop oriented direction without ever producing a single song that is really connected with "old stuff". (Hah, Disconnected sums it up nicely) As we've seen from albums and interviews they do write riffs and melodies similar to old era...and then chop the song down to radio friendly 3-4 minutes, drown the guitars, put a lot of electronics, and Anders whines in four layers over it. Result - ASOP.
So Deliver Us in not pop oriented?

It is written as a single, the song has absolutely no substance except chorus and stuff around it, guitars are drowned in the mix, it is 3.33 long (lol, it can qualify for Eurovision contest).

When a band like Opeth becomes massively popular doing 10 minute epics, staying true to their sound, that is OK. But when a band changes music, composing, style, image...everything, to become popular, that is not OK in my book. But again, that is just my personal opinion, it doesn't have to be THE truth.

I really can't believe it is natural to make 5 or 6 albums rooted in one idea, and then start to change in pop oriented direction without ever producing a single song that is really connected with "old stuff". (Hah, Disconnected sums it up nicely) As we've seen from albums and interviews they do write riffs and melodies similar to old era...and then chop the song down to radio friendly 3-4 minutes, drown the guitars, put a lot of electronics, and Anders whines in four layers over it. Result - ASOP.

I knew it would eventually come to this on the forum once again, I will not even respond to your post because there are so much fucking fallacies in it you're making me irritated.
And since you don't seem to know it, Deliver Us was NOT written as the albums single. The band you are talking about in your post is not In Flames, must be some completely other band.

Deliver Us, if I read that article that Krofius posted on the last page, Bjorn says that they didn't have single in mind when writing it. I'm not sure what IF songs you are looking at from their past, but they have always had between 3 and 5 minute songs, leaning closer to 3-4 minutes. And what 5 or 6 albums were rooted in one idea? Lyrically? But as you say, you feel their change was to get more popular, so I can't really argue that because that's your opinion so it is pointless for me to try and dispute. I respect your opinion. But to say they chopped down their songs recently is just ludicrous.
Lol no, it's basically like this, people in the crowd are screaming for the Old songs all the time, but when they play the song they stand there like Zombies.

I'm sorry but that's bullshit, 3 or 4 people max will be shouting for older songs, the majority of the crowd do not know or give a fuck about their older material. That's why there's no 'movement' when they play them.

And please stop the sellout card...Yes of course it's their ''fault'' their audience might not enjoy the old songs as much, but they have just written the music they've wanted to, the situation is unintentional. But check their setlists from 2008, it had A LOT of Old songs in it. All bands plays their hits, I guess it's a boring risk of removing Trigger and adding Jester Script Transfigured for example, as much as we might want too.

Don't put words into my mouth. Unless you can quote me calling them sellouts. I said they've geared their music towards poser types and it's absolutely true. It doesn't make them 'sellouts' it just makes them manufactured. I don't buy for a second, as A88 said, that they 'musically evolved' to 3 minute radio hits. They made a calculated decision to structure their songs in a mainstream way because they knew it would bring them popularity among the masses of people who only appreciate songs on a basic level. And so it has, so congrats to them for that. To then say at a concert that these types of fans should "move" for the older songs is stupid, because the new fans don't give a shit about their older stuff. Most of the old fans don't go to In Flames concerts now because they don't want to listen to "WHOAAA I FEEL LIKE SHIT" or "I WANT YOU TO LEADD MEEEE" ... which is fair enough.

In Flames don't seem to understand that perception is key. A few years back when their popularity was peaking they could have sprinkled more of the older tracks in there and made an effort to get the newer fans interested in the older shit. Whether it would have worked or not is debatable but they never even really tried. They largely ignored their older material in favour of newer stuff. I've got no problem with that, it's the direction they wanted to take and that's their choice. But to then turn around after that and use comments like "if you don't move we won't play this shit anymore" in regards to older songs is quite frankly ignorant on their part as they played a massive part in burying their older work behind the newer work.

As I said, it's their choice and they're free to it. Comments like that from Anders and the "well people don't react to it so why should we play it" excuse don't work for me, sorry. And yes Krofius I know you love everything about In Flames my brother, it's cool with me, but I have my own opinion on them too and it isn't so favourable :D I still respect your opinion though.

I have read an article with him saying that about the fans demanding older songs and then not reacting at all when they are played. So I don't think Anders is wrong at all to say that. And what exactly is "proper metal"? That's the beauty of metal, is that the genre is so vast and varied. They didn't gear their music towards anyone, they wanted to make new music with every album so that they wouldn't become a stale band.

Sorry fella but I don't agree with this. As I said above, they knew what they were doing. And A88 isn't wrong to mention pop and In Flames in the same sentence. The way they structure and devise songs is very pop-like. Simple structures, memorable (sang) choruses, simple riffs. Btw I like some of In Flames newer stuff, but that doesn't mean it's any less pop. They've gravitated towards the mainstream, that's just how it is.
DE4life and A88, it looks like we can agree to disagree? It seems we both have our points and our concrete opinions so I think it would be pointless and a waste of a forum to continue this "argument." I completely disagree with you two but, to each his own. Plus, I'm really not in the mood to argue via the internet. And I'm not trying to back down or anything, I'd rather just not create any enemies here, which I fear will happen if we continue. So, I sincerely respect your opinions.

You just did respond to my post.

Forum is a place where a different people from around the globe can exchange opinions. I was being polite and giving arguments. What is wrong with that?

So they don't chop down songs to 3-4 minutes?

They don't overload their songs with electro stuff?

They don't produce guitar sound that is without edge and is drowned in the mix?

Anders doesn't sing studio overproduced layered vocal lines with (sometimes) emo lyrics?

ASOP is not Colony-Clayman done in a very pop, badly produced, boring, downgraded manner?

Dude, you know a lot about In Flames. You obviously love the band, but it is not fair to disrespect other people opinions with very mature: "sigh" "I knew it would come to this" "I won't reply" etc.

I still like In Flames, obviously, or else I wouldn't be here. But it is not forbidden to criticize them.

Few nights ago when we were all listening to that Swedish radio show, people were like: Oh Zombie Inc, Episode 666... wow great solo...fantastic riff... What was the reaction to The Quiet place or Disconnected?

Why do most of us like A New Dawn and not Deliver us?


Ok man. Agreed. It occasionally comes to this. It is logical and normal. We are all normal people, we all have opinions, we all respect another opinions. No enemies created. Cheers!
DE4life and A88, it looks like we can agree to disagree? It seems we both have our points and our concrete opinions so I think it would be pointless and a waste of a forum to continue this "argument." I completely disagree with you two but, to each his own. Plus, I'm really not in the mood to argue via the internet. And I'm not trying to back down or anything, I'd rather just not create any enemies here, which I fear will happen if we continue. So, I sincerely respect your opinions.

That's fine with me bro, I'm not here to argue either. I'm just pretty set in my viewpoint :D let's just keep looking forward to SOAPF!
I don't give a single shit about what you are talking about.

I have a huge cock (not nammed Alfred) and it makes me happy.

It's not like we were talking about giant trucks and such. I feel that by you saying, "I have a huge cock" when we weren't talking about anything close to that, you probably have a tiny one. (Also, I couldn't find a good smiley face to express my semi-joking manner, so I'll just say this is semi-joking.)
It's not like we were talking about giant trucks and such. I feel that by you saying, "I have a huge cock" when we weren't talking about anything close to that, you probably have a tiny one. (Also, I couldn't find a good smiley face to express my semi-joking manner, so I'll just say this is semi-joking.)

Just wanted to change the subject and I just did it. :D