In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Haha RE: When I saw In Flames in December 2009, they played Artifacts of the Black Rain, and everyone stood there like zombies! It's true! I know In Flames have 'alienated' the older fans (apparently), so have all of the older fans not bothered going to the concerts too? Because either nobody knew AotBR at all, or the old fans were paralyzed by nostalgia!! I'm a bigger fan of the newer In Flames material (alright then- i'm basically a MASSIVE fan of everything post-Whoracle), but that setlist meant for this years album cycle is complete shit. I was hoping that they'd play tonnes of brand new songs! Give Niclas a fresh workout with new material, and get the lads back to full form! Unfortunately it seems they've stuck with turds from ASOP (although i like Alias!). I'd be happy with a full 'SOAPF' set-list with a few older tracks slipped in for good measure! :D

And people- lay off Krofius. He's not the only fan-boy here, y'know! ;) We're fans of the band, and will give any music they make a chance! @A88- saying that In Flames filler their music with electro-stuff is ludicris! They have near enough built their entire sound around the atmosphere they create, and the synths/keys add wholely to the mix!

I am the only person here who actually like Deliver Us? Yeah, it feels like a purpose-designed radio single- but i really like it!
I think people have a vague picture of what a fanboy is, I thought it was someone who absolutely loves everything, regardless of what the band put out.
When I said I would like IF even if they released a Hip hop album I was obviously being ironic. They are my favorite band though, but I don't like everything because of their band name, I like it because I like the music. I do have somewhat of an apparent obsession with the band as well.

About the setlist, I think it's the setlist they are going to have for the summer period actually. Daniel is not there for the 7 first shows due to his wife giving birth anytime soon, the drummer from DeathDestruction (Jonas Ekdahl) is filling in, and he had practised 17 songs (which is the amount of songs they played yesterday), but he might practice more songs for Sonisphere for example maybe, who knows.
i hope they change the set list up a bit when they come to chicago on august 5th ;) i'd like a setlist like from "used and abused" where they play the new album, then play some old tunes. would be cool ^.^
i hope they change the set list up a bit when they come to chicago on august 5th ;) i'd like a setlist like from "used and abused" where they play the new album, then play some old tunes. would be cool ^.^
You know IF, they never do things twice :P
Haha RE: When I saw In Flames in December 2009, they played Artifacts of the Black Rain, and everyone stood there like zombies! It's true! I know In Flames have 'alienated' the older fans (apparently), so have all of the older fans not bothered going to the concerts too? Because either nobody knew AotBR at all, or the old fans were paralyzed by nostalgia!! I'm a bigger fan of the newer In Flames material (alright then- i'm basically a MASSIVE fan of everything post-Whoracle), but that setlist meant for this years album cycle is complete shit. I was hoping that they'd play tonnes of brand new songs! Give Niclas a fresh workout with new material, and get the lads back to full form! Unfortunately it seems they've stuck with turds from ASOP (although i like Alias!). I'd be happy with a full 'SOAPF' set-list with a few older tracks slipped in for good measure! :D

And people- lay off Krofius. He's not the only fan-boy here, y'know! ;) We're fans of the band, and will give any music they make a chance! @A88- saying that In Flames filler their music with electro-stuff is ludicris! They have near enough built their entire sound around the atmosphere they create, and the synths/keys add wholely to the mix!

I am the only person here who actually like Deliver Us? Yeah, it feels like a purpose-designed radio single- but i really like it!

Most of the older fans don't go to In Flames concerts, no. Can't blame them.

I like Deliver us! It's catchy, better than the majority of the songs off ASOP.

No it isn't. It's a known Swedish metaphor =)

Ha, fair enough :D
I like Deliver us! It's catchy, better than the majority of the songs off ASOP.

My thoughts exactly! It's like the new material (A New Dawn, title track, Enter Tragedy) but condensed into a tastey little number! It doesn't reach the extremes of the album (it's not the heaviest, slowest or most melodic), but represents it in an accessible way. I don't care if it was purposefully wrote to be a single- because an album always needs a decent single!

All these posts of cocks and beards need to come with a :Spam: warning!

If it means being a HUGE fan of In Flames i would gladly call myself an In Flames Fanboy. After all- i did have an In Flames poster on my wall not long ago :Spin:
My guess is that this setlist isn't THE one for the SOAPF tour. They will play more songs from the new album as soon as the album comes out. It's what most bands do.

And I don't know what a fanboy is either, at least in relation to music. I know that a PS3 fanboy is someone that only likes the PS3, and not the Xbox 360. But I might be an In Flames fanboy because I like every song and I like how they differ each album. I started with CC and went backwards into their discography. But I'm not a bigger fan of their newer stuff. I would say I'm a bigger fan of their post-Whoracle stuff, but I like Whoracle and TJR better than R2R. But to me it depends on what I'm in the mood for, since no album sounds the same. I'm really just a big goddamn fan of everything In Flames. They quickly overtook Metallica as my favorite band.
I personally think that a "true" fan is a person who will always subjectively judge a release no matter if it's "brutal" or "In Flames" or not. A true In Flames fan would give an In Flames album a chance no matter if it was indeed a hip-hop album. A true fan wouldn't hear initial sounds and say "Ew, that's not brutal, I'm not listening to that." It even goes as far as the listener's intelligence; obviously someone who doesn't have varied tastes isn't going to give an experimental album a chance. For instance, I loved the "crying" nature of ASOP, it was fresh and reminded me of Zach Galifinakis's voice. (Anders reminds me of him anyway.) It fit the songs and really was very emotional at times (Chosen Pessimist was truly an outstanding track IMO.) It was like he was channeling an animal stuck in a corner and for the people that relate to that feeling, it was a very uplifting album. It was upbeat. No where in the album was it wallowing in pity, it simply channeled a trapped feeling in an upbeat, abstract way.

For instance with the new album, some of the songs sound like mid-era In Flames, some honestly sound like System Of A Down vocally, some sound like Soilwork, and some of them sound a bit like generic Euro-rock-pop. Based on the sounds, I think this album will be as cool as ever, but based on the songwriting and hooks, I'm still a bit weary. It's really the songwriting that matters, not the sound.

Then again, I love every album by Dark Tranquillity, Marilyn Manson, Opeth, Cradle Of Filth, Porcupine Tree, ect ect so I'm very used to and even fond of bands changing things up every time in all sorts of new and experimental ways. I haven't really had a band disappoint me yet because I choose bands very wisely and I go into it only expecting good songwriting. If a band doesn't write an album that I can listen to all the way through in an exciting or emotional manner, I will not hold them to much - I don't think anyone should hold In Flames to much either because musically, they are not nor have ever been on the same genre plane as, say, the experimental bands I just listed above. Dark Tranquillity's The Gallery had much more experimentation and varied tempos and all that jazz than any old In Flames release, so expecting a big huge experimental or brutal album from In Flames is a bit strange.

They're just not a extremely complex or brutal band. They do what they do, which has been sonic, keys-based nu-alternative-emotional-metal for what, 10 years now? It's not going to change. And to me, it's only gotten better. ASOP was the only In Flames album I've yet to delete a song from, I can say that about no other In Flames release.
I'm a huge fan of N'Flamez, they're still my favourite band by a mile! But they're not immune to criticism, nor should they be. They've dropped some giant turds in the past (BOTTLED, Scream, 95% of ASOP) but for whatever reason I keep faith with them... and it seems they might be about to repay that :)

Fuck, I remember the first time I saw them live in like, 2005, I was so excited :D and in 2006 I gave them this CD of me and some other people covering their songs. I was so psyched to see Bjorn and Anders looking at it and talking about it... but I have to admit I cringe remembering how bad those songs were, the whole thing's a bit gay in retrospect :D hope they didn't listen to it. but yeah, for a while I was close to being a fanboy too. Not now, but I know how it feels!

A fanboy would be just like the console ones :)
Any criticism, even if it's constructive then boom, you will get loaded with insults for no reason at all.

First song I listened to was The Hive from Whoracle but I mainly started IF from Come Clarity. I find In Flames' as a 'grower'. When I first listened to them, I wasn't fond of their older stuff. Their new material was easier to access because it was more simple and dumbed when it comes to structures. Overtime I grew to adore their old stuff and just like you, they overtook Metallica as my favourite band :P

P.S. Another example of a fanboy would probably be the Metallica and Megadeth ones - the idiots who can't appreciated the awesomeness of both bands.

A fanboy would be just like the console ones :)
Any criticism, even if it's constructive then boom, you will get loaded with insults for no reason at all.

First song I listened to was The Hive from Whoracle but I mainly started IF from Come Clarity. I find In Flames' as a 'grower'. When I first listened to them, I wasn't fond of their older stuff. Their new material was easier to access because it was more simple and dumbed when it comes to structures. Overtime I grew to adore their old stuff and just like you, they overtook Metallica as my favourite band :P

P.S. Another example of a fanboy would probably be the Metallica and Megadeth ones - the idiots who can't appreciated the awesomeness of both bands.

Words of wisdom. Alright, then I guess I'm not a fanboy because even though I really don't criticize them that much, I can see how other people do. And I was the same way as you with their older stuff. I only listened to less than half of Colony and Clayman and almost none of Whoracle for the longest time. Then I went back and forced myself to listen and now I love everything. Man, a lot of people really don't like STYE, do they? That's actually my favorite album. I think it has the heaviest tuned guitars, like ...And Justice For All (which is my favorite 'Tallica album), I like Anders' vocals the best, the overall tone, and to me, I connect with the lyrics more than any other album. So please, if you don't like that album, just don't trash the lyrics because they are really good and they inspired me and they really helped me get through college. The album was literally the soundtrack to my escape from real life for a few hours each day.
I count In Flames as my favorite band, but I wouldn't call myself a fanboy. Obviously, I can take a lot more shitty songs from IF then from (any) other band, but I find myself able to observe the music itself rationally.

For me, older stuff is more accessible, because it was unique, it had emotion, almost all riffs and melodies clicked with my musical taste. When I heard old songs I heard music only, feelings, pictures... I wasn't even noticing the lyrics, or the production, or even drums! With newer stuff... I usually can't do that. When I hear something out of ASOP, i hear drumwork (which is excellent), I hear a few good riffs but without a real cohesion and atmosphere, I hear pathetic attempts of radio hits, I hear Anders whining and singing shitty lyrics. With A New Dawn...I didn't notice the lyrics at first. Once again I truly liked the music and really "got" the atmosphere of the song. It is same with let's say STYE. I don't like the album, but i like My Sweet Shadow...cause I can believe every word Anders screams. Other stuff on that album is not convincing.

Obviously, IF write good music, no matter the genre. As Taotrac said, songwriting is always there... But their talent doesn't always fulfill potential. I can listen all of IF albums. When I'm in the mood, or at concert, drunk, headbanging,'s all okay. I can feel happy even if they play Scream or some shit like that.

But when I come home and let some music, I never listen to STYE or ASOP. Why? It is to instant and generic to me. It is shallow. I was okay with it when it came out, but that albums won't mean anything to me in one or two or ten years. Colony will! Iron Maiden, Carcass, Opeth, Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree... Hell, even some hip hop stuff will.

It is not about the genre it is about quality.
I think people have a vague picture of what a fanboy is, I thought it was someone who absolutely loves everything, regardless of what the band put out.
When I said I would like IF even if they released a Hip hop album I was obviously being ironic. They are my favorite band though, but I don't like everything because of their band name, I like it because I like the music. I do have somewhat of an apparent obsession with the band as well.

I agree. I'm a person who listens to any kind of music, from Classical all the way to Brutal Black Metal, except of course Hip Hop and such, even though I feel somewhat like a fanboy, because the band itself makes things I love, because they're style of music is different from any other band, and they make music for the sake of making music itself.
They have proved to be real musicians, and it's sad to see Jesper didn't agree and had to leave.

but besides this...

can't wait for the album, the samples sound great. And I'm interested in what "Where the dead ships dwell" will end up sounding, as well as "Fear is the weakness" and even though people have said that "Liberation" sounded pretty "pop" and such, I like it.

So, anything leaked yet? hahaha
Now that's all down to opinion :P I don't think STYE is THAT bad but it's definitely one of the lower ranked album on my list. Songs like The Quiet Place and F(r)iend are pretty awesome though :)

I agree about the atmosphere. Maybe it was the production, or just that the material IF wrote for their older stuff are just masterpieces.
Colony for me is the best example of what IF can do. It had this atmosphere which I can't really explain and added with those melodic riffs and Anders' growlish vocals...

Their new stuff is just like 'OK song, good riffs here and there' and that's pretty much it. It just doesn't have the feeling that old In Flames could produce.
i remember that i covered a song for a CD who was gifted to In Flames from members... but it was made in 2004-2005 or something.. :Spin:

Yeah it was after that, I probably got the idea from Everdying :D I can remember standing there grinning like a dickhead, and Anders just smiled at me, laughed and shook his head... probably thinking 'what a twat' :D ahhh man, I wish I'd given them the shit I've done recently rather than the shit I did back then... well, hopefully they never listened to it at all :cry:
Just noticed this at the bottom of a google search for Sounds of a Playground Fading Leak ...

In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint that caused the removal(s) at


Of course it could have been there ages and that's the first time I've seen it :D could mean a genuine leak has been removed though...
So while I was gone we're doing cocks now! :)

Seriously also some really good and fun posts has been made! Only wanted to thank you guys for making the wait for the new album more interesting.
Is there any good version of "Enter tragedy" quality wise? Really don't want to listen to that poor radio rip.

Thanks and cheers!

And of course SOAPF cock version:

1. Sounds of a Cock Fading
2. Deliver Cock
3. All For Cock
4. Cock Puzzle
5. Fear Is Cock Weakness
6. Where The Dead Cocks Dwell
7. Cock Attic
8. Darker Cocks
9. Cocks
10. Cock Tragedy
11. Jester's Cock
12. A New Cock
13. Cockation

Sorry for that! :D