In Flames - Sountrack to Your Escape . . . a five point inspection.

I think the problem with "Escape" is that it's just flat out dull. It seems to me that they tried to "return to their roots", after taking so much criticism for "Reroute", but the tank is empty. I don't believe we'll ever see anything of quality from this band again.

Agree on Orphaned Land. It's taken a few spins, but that disc is starting to secure its hooks in me.

ah its pretty cool to see people agree with me on Colony.... i that album just kicks my ass.....

"I think the problem with "Escape" is that it's just flat out dull. It seems to me that they tried to "return to their roots", after taking so much criticism for "Reroute", but the tank is empty."

and yeah, i would agree with this statement to a degree.
markgugs said:
I love Colony too. One of the first IF albums to really grab me.
My 2nd favorite behind The Jester Race. Colony wasn't as revolutionary as TJR was by any stretch of the imagination, but is a perfect example of how an established formula can still sound fresh if good songwriting and sheer enthusiasm for the music are evident. I'm sure plenty of people would look at 'The New Word' as just a filler IF song, but MAN does that song ever get the adrenaline flowing for me.

markgugs said:
Jason >> No, I haven't heard the new IF. All kidding aside, I do seriously know that I will not like it. If a free CDR or something were to show up at my doorstep, I'd certainly give it a go, but I've spent my last dime on The Anders Show.
Fair enough, I completely understand. I do hope at some point you get a chance to hear it though. If nothing else maybe I can bring it to Progpower or something.
I find COlony much better than Jester Race. Friden sounds more energetic on Colony, while keeping his terrble clean vocals to a minimum. Plus, there is hardly any filler. I can only listen to 3 songs on TJR.

But I agree TJR was a more important album, but by something being genre-defining or more important in the long run NEVER means it is automatically better musically.