In Flames


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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They played a great set in norfolk va on march 14. They went through and i was pittin and pittin, then they got to colony. Im like oh yeah, time to hear episode 666 after this. Im getting ready im like oh god here it comes, then they take a bow.... im like what?! i start a chant of 666, im like 666! 666! 666! 666! i got the whole crowd into it and man they had the perfect chance for an encore and they just walked severly pissed me off, has anyone ever heard of them closing a set without episode 666? Im fucking insanely mad.
They've sort of started to move away from some of the older stuff. I recall that they did the same thing really with Jotun here where I live. Can't blame them for not wanting to play the old stuff over and over again, I mean, there's been 'a while' since Whoracle first came out. I guess we all have to get used to it happening even if it's hard to accept, we can't turn time back...
Lucky you, they have completely stopped playing anything prior to Colony these days, unless you count "Behind Space," which doesn't really count b/c they play the 'newer' version.

Man, their live show last September was just such an utter disappointment...
must have not heard it anders, cause i was chanting and i heard the rest of the crowd. Not that i would try to bull shit anyone, but i was chanting and i heard the rest of the crowd chanting too. He looked right at me while i was chanting and pointed then bowed, im like what the fuck? encore and play 666.
SLAYER85 said:
must have not heard it anders, cause i was chanting and i heard the rest of the crowd. Not that i would try to bull shit anyone, but i was chanting and i heard the rest of the crowd chanting too. He looked right at me while i was chanting and pointed then bowed, im like what the fuck? encore and play 666.

I don't think he was actually staring at you.... its a concert with lots of people around you. Besides, even if he was staring at you... any band at any concert go out and play with a SET LIST... they play the songs on that SET LIST... sometimes they have another song... like the bonus song at the end of the concert. They don't go out and ask: WHAT DO YOU WANNA HER GUYS????... never... Just enjoy the concert...