in mist she was standing


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2002
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i seriously think it's the most brutal opeth song, ever. it's just so pissed off throughout the song (with some mellow parts granted) and their new brutal stuff don't share the same passion... whos with me?=
I'm starting to get real into ITMSWS, especialy the soft phsycidelic part about six minutes in. Theres a couple semi-brutal parts, but they don't compare to the begining of "When" or "Demon of the Fall" IMO.
Originally posted by Punisher
mayhem? aroo? eh. brutal schmutal.


well, i hate mayhem. so, i share the same feelings...

but i have to say songs like demon of the fall, when and karma are much heavier. but yes the part you mentioned in IMSWS pumps a high dosage of adrenaline in my veins, true.
I could never figure out if there was a story to Orchid?
Or the storys of the individual songs, I know Morning Rise deals with Death and shit and I know the storys of Still Life and My Arms Your Hearse but I could never figure out Orchid
My thoughts are....the last three minutes is most most "TRIUMPHANT" sounding minutes in any of their songs..
Does anyone else agree?
Not nessecarily the most brutal....(infact definitely not, BWP is much more brutal)....but very triumnphant
This is the first ever Opeth song I heard. It hooked me straight away and I've been into Opeth ever since. The initial riff just drew me in and I'd have to say its one of my faviroute Opeth songs. The melodys are just so haunting on this track. I'd have to say this is one of the most atmospheric tracks I've heard...especially that middle and acoustic section with all the distortion and the outtro.