"In the mist she was standing" made me cry

hai yoll wats up , i rly jus wan say that i <3 opath thay mak me kry wean he sang prologue coz pano woz all liek "bum" i stortid 2 weep n sorow . HAY MIKAL PLAS PLAY "bui The pain I See In Others/' WEN UR LIVE AGEN OK???/ ths
yeah there are many bands like that...cant remember many names though...trail of tears, tristania...hmmm what else? err eternal tears of sorrow...early theatre of tragedy...awful stuff :erk:


how are Eternal Tears how you described it.. some guy singing about forests and girl waiting for him and bleeding. Wtf?? I really don't understand this Eternal Tears hate, maybe it's because they are quite heavily keyboard-influenced. If only people can say that and not go oh, new album was shit, and dismiss it. I don't see how Tristania fits your description either. Sorry Don, not having a go but just curious as to see why you think this?

how are Eternal Tears how you described it.. some guy singing about forests and girl waiting for him and bleeding. Wtf?? I really don't understand this Eternal Tears hate, maybe it's because they are quite heavily keyboard-influenced. If only people can say that and not go oh, new album was shit, and dismiss it. I don't see how Tristania fits your description either. Sorry Don, not having a go but just curious as to see why you think this?

i might have mixed the bands' names up but all that gothic metal stuff with the growls and clean female vocals just makes me cringe. i faintly remember eternal tears of sorrow and tristania were of that kind, am i wrong?

Okay. Lets discuss. Tell me in civil words why I am a moron, instead of biting my head off, you rude cunt.

Yeah, the bloke who did that is a firstclass psycho, but I still think the drugs had some guilt in what happened. Obviously, I hate the guy more than the drugs.
By the way, there are more reasons for my hatred towards drugs, just in case anyone assumed that there wasn't.

So, am I still stupid?
Guns should be banned because Guy A shot and killed Guy B. If A didn't have a gun, B would still be alive.

that is COMPLETELY equatable to the scenario we're discussing. and it's COMPLETELY ignorant. if A didn't have a gun, he just would've used a baseball bat. the method used is irrelevant. apply it to this rape situation (which is fucking laughable in the first place because we're supposed to assume marijuana causes blackouts.) figure it out yourself
Let me just say one thing to you... god forbid your gf ever gets raped.

if she didn't pass out then who knows, he would have never raped her, maybe he saw it as a good opportunity for a 'free lunch' as such.
yes, it's terrible and unfortunate, but blaming it on pot when she could've just as easily gotten drunk or he could've slipped something in her drink is just ludicrous to me. she could've just simply dozed off. we're totally ignoring the fact that we have an abnormality in the guy's FULL intention, motivation, desire, willingness, etc., whatever words you want to use, to rape her. pot isn't a date rape drug. it's like murdering someone with a nerf football. i don't even know how that's possible. but you'd immediately see activists for the prohibition of sports i swear

ramble on. bombombombombombom sing my sawng
What a right wing, up tight, neo-conservative society we've become.. methinks mass brainwashing by the media syndicates and the powers that be..Reefer Madness anyone?...obtw...you don't "black out" from pot....alcohol yes...pot nope
Made a small mistake, I forgot to mention that there was beer in the picture. She was somewhat drunk and the drug triggered the blackout. Hope that claryfies something.
Okay, so she was drunk but let's still blame it on the pot???...that's idiotic...face it.... alcohol was and is way worse a drug than pot is esp when abused and overused....you're in denial over the wrong drug and have been programmed to think wrongly....why don't you try to become more informed regarding your mind altering substances....