Incorrect Smilies! Your opinions here.


-scented manbeef-
May 9, 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
:Smug: < smug? SMUG? Does this actually look like smugness to anyone? I don't think so. It looks like it should be a 'ticked-off' or 'fed-up' smiley imo, or even a boredom smiley.

And for that matter, I want UM to try and host that thrash headbanging smiley at It kicks ass.

Any smilies you think are inaccurate??!
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i really like this one though --->

and this one as well

i always wish this one existed in msn or icq... the icq smileys have to be the worst around, easily...

im bored :p
Hilj makes me :oops:. ;)

I miss :s loads. And the old : mad:, and the : ( we had for a while before it was changed back. And the old : rolleyes:. And the old : o. And the old : p. I'm probably done now.
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Why did they make some of the in-forum smilies in this gold-bronze color? All that should be in the title of a thread or message, just see above the writing field!
Recolor these:
NOW! As they were before! They need their old yellow color back!
The only good smilies here are the :headbang: :lol: :loco: and :zombie: ... no other!
The standard yellow ones come with the board - when vB3 was introduced so were they. Obviously there was a lot going on, and smilies were the least important thing at the time. I'm sure Mark will be introducing some more fairly soon, I have about 150 on my site for him to choose from. ;)
dreamwatch said:
The standard yellow ones come with the board - when vB3 was introduced so were they. Obviously there was a lot going on, and smilies were the least important thing at the time. I'm sure Mark will be introducing some more fairly soon, I have about 150 on my site for him to choose from. ;)

Hello Ms-UM! :wave:


On a serious note, I think it would be a genuinely good idea to ask for some feed back from board users before adding new smilies.... like people making suggestions (actually providing images from various sources) and slowly whittling them down.... Mark doesn't have to be involved too much, I think we can manage to sort it out amongst ourselves... eventually :rolleyes: Then we could come so him with a final set of suggestions and he'll 'see what he can do'.

I know this might seem a bit 'forward' on our/my behalf, and while the final decision is of course in Mark's hands, I think you'll find people would enjoy there experince here much more if they got to pick smilies more particular to the needs of this board. :D

Oh, and for weird smilies... who else here has tried to type in the 'not worthy' smilie to see what happens... those that have will know what I'm refering to. It's.... unnatural.... :worship: :erk:
The notworthy smiley is perfectly easy to get used to, all you have to do it not add the second semi-colon. :p

Look: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Spike, you didn't end that post with "Spike".
Rusty said:
The notworthy smiley is perfectly easy to get used to, all you have to do it not add the second semi-colon. :p

Look: !:worship: !:worship: !:worship:

Spike, you didn't end that post with "Spike".



P.S. I know that! :loco:



Spike :Smug: