"Independent Nature: The Best of Woods of Ypres 2002-2007" Vote for the cover art!

Vote for your favourite cover art style!

  • Red (original)

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Medium Brown

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Dark Brown

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • Black and White

    Votes: 7 19.4%

  • Total voters
Definitely the black and white, third one!

Just out of curiosity, is there going to be any little "gems" like demos or b-sides or something like that? Or is it just going to be a best of thing?

Edit: Woops! I voted for dark brown, I meant black and white, so take a vote from brown and put it in black :p
I like the dark brown one the best. The texture of the wood just seems to really stand out. Also with this one, there's a little bit of black around the Woods logo, with that contrasting against the white logo, it really makes the logo stand out and helps accentuate the lines of the logo. With the logo standing out like that, and the title of the cd a little more faded into the background, it provides for a nice balance and an awesome cover.
I guess I'm the only one who's going with the Medium Brown. I thought it looked great. The Natural Red though would've been my second choice though.
My vote goes B&W, the texture on the right side looks just nondescript enough to make me mistake it for sand dunes, which I thought was a really cool effect.

Either that or I'm just exhausted.
B&W looks a bit too much like an Agalloch cover. There´s nothing wrong with the Agalloch covers, but let´s leave grey for Agalloch.
The dark brown looks the best. The red is good too, except the glare from the sun seems to distract the eye from the logo.