Here's how: Three albums = 30 tracks! This "Best of Ypres 2002-2007" is a promotional release that includes 12 of the best stand alone tracks from the "Against the Seasons" trilogy. Three albums and seven years is a long time for a band to last these days (statistically, I bet 99% of bands release one album and call it quits, at best)! Let's share in some small victories when we can, shall we?
+ Damn those capitalist black metal fat cats!
There is A LOT I can tell you about the economic realities of financing independent, underground metal for this long. If and when I get accused of a , I hardly know whether to laugh or loose my cool. No one is forced to buy anything, yet anyone can download anything they want. At best, this release (of which I've paid to have designed and pressed) might help us to spread the word and reach a few new people as we enter into 'era 2' with the GREEN album.
Maybe I should start posting photos of me eating ramen noodles and cutting my own hair, just so you don't start to assume we're rolling in the dough during these bleak economic times.