Indiana Frickin Jones

Ok i went today to see Indiana Jones and i liked it ... it's better than the old ones and it's funny i recommend it
It was good, more than a bit over the top at times.
Personally, they could have made the whole movie about the Area 51 hangar. That was basically the best part of the movie and it had the Ark of the covenant cameo.
Yeah, but you need some Ancient Civilisations in there that were taught agriculture by aliens, that's how Indy rock and rolls.

Was anyone else really worried they were going for the obvious passing the baton sequence with the hat blew in at the end? I was pretty glad they didn't go through with that.
There was more wrong that right in this movie... the plot for instance was a complete and total fucking predictable mess (oxymoron? watch the movie). And the ending... (I'll refrain from spoilers) was just unbelievably predictable. I was in my seat thinking "Shit, I think its going in this direction, they're going to... yeah they did... oh god dammit why did they have to do that". George Lucas couldn't come up with anything better than that?

And does the audience REALLY need to be explained every little detail through dialog? Has the average intelligence of the world gone down so much that David Koepp had to write out the dialog as to recite what is going on in the visual point of view? Not to mention the shear amount of dialog in the movie hurts the atmosphere of some scenes immensely.

And Karen Allen... they should have just replaced her. Horrible acting job and I'm surprised Speilberg even let her finish filming with that sort of roll.

That said, I suppose the Jungle chase makes up for a lot of the wrongs in the movie. That was just awesome.
George Lucas makes me mad. This movie was decent. No where near the other three. Lucas and his shitty CG bullshit needs to implode and be covered in those ants.

I really like Shia though. hopefully Lucas will die and the series will go on likes its supposed to
Ok i went today to see Indiana Jones and i liked it ... it's better than the old ones and it's funny i recommend it

Better than the old ones? You're fooking crazy. It was good, but Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade were both way better.
It had some good elements, but it came nowhere near the previous films. They tried way too hard. It was just too... big. The others Indy's had a more limited scope: they were about religion and the occult too, but at least they were of this world. Cate Blanchett did some massive overacting too, sadly.

Mind, there were some good things, the first half was more than decent, if a bit trying-too-hard, but when they started the whole... well, you-know-what, it just became completely over-the-top and predictable.

It would have been a good movie, if it hadn't been an Indiana Jones movie.

And the ending... (I'll refrain from spoilers) was just unbelievably predictable.
Yeah, when the

Temple started swirling, I said to my girlfriend, "don't let it be a UFO, don't let it be a UFO...".
Temple started swirling, I said to my girlfriend, "don't let it be a UFO, don't let it be a UFO...".

Hahah yeah...

George Lucas honestly might as well have made Indiana Jones turn out to be Darth Vader's descendant, had Indy read an inscription outside the big door that said "Jedi Counsel", and replaced the words "psychic power" with "the force". Also, does anyone else think George Lucas has some sort of past father issues?
Throw in how he's milking die hard fans of the old series by releasing it in a million different boxsets and formats and Lucas becomes even more the absolute cock.

Still, this is an Indy made for another generation. Much of the zing has been toned down, and the plot suffers for the same reasons. It's perhaps too camp, large chunks of it could be cut/edited/re-written and it's certainly derivative, but it is Indiana Jones, it's supposed to be comic book inspired direction (which, if blocky, it is) and it's supposed to proceed with much pomp and childish vim, which it does too.

Flawed, for sure, but there is a tendency to overly criticise it. Whether that's because fanboys can't see past the original trilogy, or whether there is some other bone to pick, I don't know.
Did it have explosions?
Were they awesome?
Did it have a car chase?
Was it awesome?
Did it have a swordfight?
SPOILER GRILLDuring the carchase over two cars.SPOILER GRILL

And yes Frank, lets just film normal ants instead.