Indiana Frickin Jones

I went to the Cinema to go see it a couple days ago but ended up buying a ticket to see Iron Man instead, was brilliant but I'm still gonna have to go see Indie sometime :lol:
I forgot about this thread, but I'm glad it came back up. Because I can read it now without fear of spoilers.

Well, they went to see it without me this week, they also saw the new Narnia movie too. Al's Dad blurted out the ending as soon as he walked in the door. :cry:

Bastards all of them.
I really liked it, I thought it was as good as the old movies. However, there is no way in hell that kid can ever replace Harrison Ford.
What I'm going to do is wait for it to come on HBO, to save the money on it since I know the ending. It seems it's a mixed bag on who likes it and who hates it. I usually watch a movie anyway and I if I don't like it, get the I told you so dance from people that warned me :lol:
i like both the movies but first one is much more better than the second one.The best scean in the movie was when the soldiar was trying to catch the Hulk.I am waitig for the third part of the movie.

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