indieworkshop article

Man, at the last gig we played back in March, the soundman was playing "Jerusalem" in between bands sets, I remember Paul was going out of his mind because he couldn't fucking stand it haha While I don't hate it, I think it gets alot of praise for the wrong reasons. I think "Holy Mountain" was far superior in terms of just good songwriting/performance.

I've honestly heard very little of Judas Iscariot. I liked the black metal-ish stuff that Andy did with Sarcophagus though.

SYL and Trouble both remain extremely underrated and underappreciated bands on the whole, which is a shame. You could tell that the crowd at Sounds of the Underground were divided on SYL, with alot of the kiddies wondering when the next metalcore band or eyeliner wearing band were going to come on next. SYL blew away almost every band on that bill. Jed's Pestilence t-shirt is cooler than 95% of that whole crowd, damn it.
Training for Utopia were cool. I've got "Plastic Soul Impalement," "Split with Zao," and "Throwing a Wrench into the American Music Machine," and that Believer album kills. Love "Focus," too.
Eh, Cynic - Focus and SYL - City frequently come up on "best extreme metal album ever" lists on all kinds of websites...even though I love them both I hesitate to call them "underrated." They're quite famous by metal standards. Have you ever seen a negative review of either? :P Cynic also manages to get ripped off all the time by technical/prog metal bands, I just don't seem them as overlooked. Oh well.
yeah, we hesitated on SYL as to whether or not it was underrated. Cyinc i think we all just loved so we let it pass thru. but in terms of metal today, i'm not really sure I'd consider Cynic widespread- i mean it only very recently was remastered/reissued, right? Focus was really pretty hard to find for a long time. Yeah, it's legendary in knowledgable metal circles, but the average guy getting into metal might not know of it on par with SYL since SYL is still around and touring and all. but SYL i could definitely see not being underrated/unknown. thanks for reading it, i appreciate it.