Inferno Festival

Morgana said:
... time is running... around this time in 7 days I'll be in Oslo... :hotjump:

and in 9 days I meet Blackspirit, hehe... looking forward :)
you go girls! go! wish i could be there, but then again i was in holland ( pain of salvation, the haunted + 20 more bands)and next stop is Wacken
Morgana said:
So I guess you enjoyed Headway? Wanted to go but I could not make it... I heard it was really cool there...

i most certainly did, the venue was very cool, i would have liked to see just a bit more people

i saw some really cool people and bands, the twins from Zero hour blew me away with guitar skills (plus they are th nicest bunch of guys) + Freak kitchen and Bumblefoot were entertainers from hell!
Suncaged are technical as hell( the singer could be better although he's good but not my type)
and PAin of salvation were more fucking awsome than i ever had imagined!!!
the other bands were cool also nice musicianship
i also met my dear friends Lars LArsen( MAnticora) and Claus Jensen from intromental management Denmark, i helped them out at iced earth one year ago) Arjen Lucasen (Ayreon) was there

my progmetamaniac friend knew a lot of people there
Djöfull said:
i most certainly did, the venue was very cool, i would have liked to see just a bit more people

i saw some really cool people and bands, the twins from Zero hour blew me away with guitar skills (plus they are th nicest bunch of guys) + Freak kitchen and Bumblefoot were entertainers from hell!
Suncaged are technical as hell( the singer could be better although he's good but not my type)
and PAin of salvation were more fucking awsome than i ever had imagined!!!
the other bands were cool also nice musicianship
i also met my dear friends Lars LArsen( MAnticora) and Claus Jensen from intromental management Denmark, i helped them out at iced earth one year ago) Arjen Lucasen (Ayreon) was there

my progmetamaniac friend knew a lot of people there
As I said I would have loved to be there.
I've seen Sun Caged first time at the ProgPower Europe last year, they were surely one of the highlights of the day they played. Think I know how you mean it with the singer... he's good, but not my type either... :)
I was specially impressed of Rob van der Loo (bassist).
His last name always makes me a little bit laughing...hehehe... if you translate his name a bit... Rob of the loo... :lol:
Hmmm... Yeah, the Kovenant sucked! Too bad Lex I-con hasn't
realized that his singing voice sucks and he should do nothing
but screaming! Hehe...

1349 had the best pyro, or to be correct; The only pyro! :eek:P
Great stuff :eek:) Drummer Frost did one hell of a job, but the drums
were mainly what you could hear for the first part of the show.
I'd like more guitars damnit!!

Belphegor were groovy as hell! :eek:) So were Entombed, but in a
slower and more "royal" way. The old ones will always be the
best! >:eek:)

Perished was what I was looking forward to the most, but it
didn't really "take off". Can't put my finger on what was missing
cause they played the songs perfectly. Maybe they chose the
wrong songs or something....? Anyways, this was the gig for all
the "trønders" (including Hellspawn) who rocked his arse off,
and I will post a pic of that later >:eek:)

Vader were steady as hell but the music didn't kick me like
Belphegor's did. Dunno if I'll like Belphegor on record, but it was
surely great live :eek:)

Then Taake... The club was packed and two mins before the
gig started they closed the doors and there I was...outside!!!!
*Almost dies* And then "AHA!!!!" *Flashes presspass*
*Enters club* *Bangs to Taake* Best gig of the night >:eek:)

The Kovenant killed the whole evening, period. hehe.... >:eek:)

Is that enough of an update for ya? >:eek:)
well I only have seen 4 bands, there were soooo many people going down the Dee that I didn't bother trying to get down

Have to agree with B'spirit about the show effects of 1345, but with the sound it wasn't that good. Couldn't here much guitars.... so it did not really gives me the kick...

Same with Belphegor, half of the show the sound wasn't good, only the last three songs kicked ass... well then the sound was better and I started to enjoy them.

Entomted were excellent, they were my personal favorites ofthe evening! F*** they really kicked ass \m/

Vader did a good show as well, you could see that they have a long live experience... but also I have to say, that the show gave me the impression that it was well planned... when I have more time I'll explain what I mean with it...

hope I'll be at the Inferno for the first band today, wanna check them out..
Sounds like a blast!
1349 drumming is incredible sounding, I would love to been there live. Could you describe the pyro more?

Awful to hear The Kovenant sucked.

I have no idea what Entombed even sound like now days, but thier earlier stuff is great.