

Jul 22, 2002
Just came back after seeing one hell of a show by COB at the inferno festival. It was a fucking shame that they didn't headline. Alexi was quite surprised by the fantastic response they got.
I was there too! Great show! Too short though. Only one hour...

Some of the songs they played (random order):

Needled 24/7
Angels don't kill
Hate crew deathroll
Hate me
Silent night, bodom night

They played a few more songs but I don't remember what songs...
i know they are makeing apperences at dimmu shows, but how would nevermore fit in with a keybord black metal band and a prog thrash (or whatever you want to call bodom). nevermore are a brillant band, but they would not tour with dimmu.
Nevermore and Dimmu Borgir already toured in Europe together with Lacuna Coil in 2001. That was a strange package, but it worked. So it sounds pretty good if they'll also tour with COB in the US.
ranietz said:
I was there too! Great show! Too short though. Only one hour...

Some of the songs they played (random order):

Needled 24/7
Angels don't kill
Hate crew deathroll
Hate me
Silent night, bodom night

They played a few more songs but I don't remember what songs...
They rocked!

Don't forget:
Lake Bodom
Towards Dead End
Everytime I Die
and they ended it all with Downfall
Speaking of Inferno, does anyone know that drummer, Inferno, from Behemoth? He is so amazingly fast. although, he does use triggers.