Information about this band

opacity said:
yeh, I have a question :D

how did you think of the band name? infinity minus one .... what's this supposed to tell (me is mathematical midget :loco: )

Well, now it's time to get a bit autobiographical....

Back in the summer of 1998 me, Libor, and a bassist named Kai Kurosawa all met in the Berklee dorms and jammed a couple times with me playing guitar. It was fun but it didn't really click.

Libor went back to the Czech Republic for the fall semester. Me and Kai jammed a bit more with different musicians, but again nothing ever clicked.

In the spring semester, Libor came back and met Josh (Kairo). They started talking about ideas, and decided to start a band. They wanted to call the band Symmetry. Josh new a singer (I don't remember her name, I think it was Carrie or Katie or something like that.) I saw Libor and Josh in the caffeteria one day and Libor told me about the band and asked if I wanted to play keys in it. Libor, Josh and myself were all on campus during spring break so we started jamming in my dorm room, forcing Libor to play on my plastic MIDI drum pads ;)

That's when the band really started. After that we got Kai to join as our bassist. The original singer changed her mind and wanted to sing in her boyfriend's band instead, so we put up flyers and found a girl named Lauren who became the first real singer of the group. That was when we started working on The Crimson Tide. We've got a MP3 of random parts of that demo on the Media page on our website.

Back on track with the question, we did some research online and found out that there was already a ton of bands, groups, recording projects named Symmetry, so we dropped the name.

Ok, so spring was good, but that summer Lauren decided to go back home and we never really heard from her again. Josh also had to go back to his hometown to earn some money to pay off some debt, so it was just Libor, me, and Kai left. To complicate things even more, Kai decided he didn't want to do the band anymore, but he still wanted to make music. The three of us started jamming and wrote Independence Day together. We needed a name for the three piece project so we called it 3 Ring Circus. An MP3 the original 3 Ring Circus version of Independence Day can be found on the Media section of our website.

Well, fall came and once again, Kai lost interest, and so we weren't working on music for a while. Libor ended up going back to the Czech Republic again, but Josh returned to Berklee.

Me and Josh started writing songs and recorded the Demo 1.0 version of Face to Face with just the two of us. But the problem was, what do we call ourselves?

We went through a lot of name ideas before we got to Infinity Minus One. We liked it right away for a few different reasons. It's mathematical and complex, but at the same time it doesn't really make any sence (just like us :) ). It has a cool looking math symbal oo-1 that can be recognized in pretty much any language. And, it's also a quote from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy! What Infinity Minus One actually means is the largest finite number possible without becoming infinite, which is of coarse imposible. Also, the phrase "almost infinite" is an example Infinity Minus One since it is also impossible. The number 3 is just as close to infinity as 3,000,000,000 so being almost infinite can't happen. And, the technical answer for any math buffs out there, infinity - 1 = infinity.

Back to the story...

We looked online and didn't find anyone else using the name, and did a Trade Mark search that came up clean so we grabbed the name. So, "Infinity Minus One" became a Trade Mark of Kevin Hammer and Josh Connell.

The rest of the story is pretty well documented on the News section of our website, so I'll end here. I hope this answered your question :)