Inner Sanctum review.


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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So here it is, the album we have all been waiting for. Dare I say it, with some in trepidation? After all, how could Saxon possibly follow the success that was the ‘Lionheart’ album? Well, quite easily it seems! On first listen however, I can’t say that I was ecstatic about the ‘Inner Sanctum’ album. It seemed OK, a good follow up to ‘Lionheart‘, but certainly nothing to compare to it. However, the more I listened to the album, the more it grew on me. And let’s be honest, all the good albums are like that. So what have we got?

1. State Of Grace.
A fantastic haunting intro. From the back of your speakers you can hear a riff kicking in, getting louder and louder, then bam!, we are into State Of Grace. A catchy easy to remember song with a heavy riff in the chorus. A good start to the album.

2. Need For Speed.
A kick in the ‘nads, what more can be said! Similar in style to 'Man And Machine‘. A heavy riff, a real blow your brains out song.

3. Let Me Feel Your Power.
So you want to take it easy after just hearing ‘Need For Speed’ do you? Forget it! Another kick in the ‘nads, full of double bass drumming and heavy riffing. A good song, but for me it is the weakest song on the album.

4. Red Star Fallimg.
I think this song could be one of those songs that you will love or loathe. Me? I think it is brilliant! All about the fall of communism in the former Soviet Union. With it’s pounding catchy riffs and stirring lyrics, this song is why heavy metal was invented. It is one of the two songs that stood out for me on first listen. Will sound fabulous live.

5. I’ve Got To Rock (To Stay Alive).
An AC/DC song that AC/DC can't write anymore! A real bouncer of a song with big riffs and catchy lyrics. This song is going to be awesome live. It has bounce factor, sing-along factor, and even a mid-song slow down for us all to clap our hands to. Brilliant stuff!

6. If I Was You.
This song we are all familiar with, of course, with it being the single. I still can't decide if I prefer the single or album version. OK, so it might be a bit of a commercial song, but a great song is a great song. Why do Planetrock continue to play 747, Wheels Of Steel, Never Surrender, and ignore classy stuff from Saxon like this song?

7. Going Nowhere Fast.
Another AC/DC-ish song.. In fact, if AC/DC had written this song, no doubt Planetrock would be playing it! Very ‘Killing Ground’ album feel to this one.

8. Ashes To Ashes.
The other song that stood out on first listen. An anthem in the making, or cheesy? You decide! But with big double bass drums and big riffs, stand and fight lyrics, mid-song chant, how can you not like this song?! Yet another song that will sound great live.

9. Empire Rising.
Short and (very) sweet. Saxon are masters at doing these haunting intro's. I think Nigel writes these, he is a very talented musician. I just love this type of intro.

10. Attila The Hun.
Shall we go out on a slow one? No chance! Just like many of the songs on this album, it is big on double bass drums, and chunky kick in the ‘nads riffs. Clever eastern style guitars lead into a big hearty chorus. Quite possibly another ‘like it or loathe it’ type of song.

So there you go, we needn’t have worried! Although I still can’t make my mind up if ‘Inner Sanctum’ is better than ‘Lionheart’, one thing is for sure, it certainly gives it a good run for it’s money.

If there is another heavy metal band out there who is putting out consistently strong albums, as Saxon are, well tell me about them, because I want to buy all their stuff!
Excellent review mate! 10/10 and i agree with you about 'If i was you' i was hoping for a video for the single, i wonder how much scuzz and kerrang would of shown it? hmmm

So whats your favourite song/songs overall ?? For me its 'state of grace' 'Red star falling' and 'Ashes to Ashes' all amazing songs that blow me away!


Im looking forward to seeing a lionheart vs Sanctum debate develop :)
great review pax
i agree with what youve said , it will be interesting to see what gets written in kerrang or metal hammer
i know they dont look kindly on older bands , but its now a very long time since saxon brought out forever free ( which i guess is the weakest of the crop ...perhaps)
it really smacks of an album made by a group at the top of there game
also its a long time since saxon made an album without a title track ....(answers on a postcard to "The Richard and Judy your not in it cos we bin it saxon compertition" po box 747 ) so a few pounds may change hands guessing what they will come on to during the tour.... i wouldnt be surprised if 5 or 6 songs are played on tour
i do think that attila the hun seems a little disjointed .not sure on that particular song but im sure it will grow on me
what do you think?
i do think that attila the hun seems a little disjointed .not sure on that particular song but im sure it will grow on me
what do you think?

You can't slate Attilla the Hun - Its 10 minutes long man :lol:

Seriously, I know what you mean, but hey its a great closing track :rock: Chunkier than Chunky chips.............................
For my money, this album is the most consistent since Unleash the Beast... A cracker! BTW, I also picked up the new Manowar album... it does exactly what you expect it to: Put these two albums on, back to back, crank the volume and let your neighbours find out what metal can be!


great review pax !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

let me try to express my one:

my charts:

1. need for speed - of course (as expected) it´s for me the ultimate #1 on this album - as i´m obsessed of the same-named game from electronic arts - thanx at this time for the developers - thanx for answering my never-ending emails... and thanx to saxon and especially to nigel as he has to do the hardest work in this song to impress the Pr0-g4m0rZ while raping some gamepads :notworthy

a word to other fast-driving-freaks as myself: don´t listen to this song on the motorway or "autobahn" as we say here - this song can kill you ! believe me ! i made this fault ending into a nice photo which i will get by mail in a week or two - with my face and my numberplate - and an amount which i can´t imagine right now..... :) :) :)

2. state of grace - i don´t know of which state is spoken in the song - it will take some time until i understood what that´s all about - but a fantastic song anyway !

3. red star falling - well, the cold curtain is gone forever - one million people can´t be wrong - that´s right - but from which hell does putin come from ? love that tune !

4. if i was you - ---- i imagine myself to be the bullet -----

5. ashes to ashes - brother to brother - together we fall - it´s a song to be imagined into a soldier´s life - into a really big friendship - or into the situation that the saxonfans are living and dying for the saxon band members - as biff´s house burned - we also suffered - as they brought up new tourdates - we saw the sun again - just to say: share our feelings to the band - and share your feelings to the fans !

6. going nowhere fast - from the first moment on i felt like i have heard that song before - i digged deep inside my mp3 library - and finally i found the solution - just listen to the song from accept - "princess of the dawn" - i heard it 100000 times for sure - listen to the first 10 seconds - and you know why that song seemed known to me :) - well, no aim - no goal - just off off and away maybe - sounds like a looooooong needed breakthrough which everyone needs sometimes...

7. let me feel your power - imagine that song sung live - biff says: let me hear you screaming - screaming in the light - let me feel your power - that´s an order to the fans to begin some stage-diving sessions - or some pogo from the 3th ´til 10th row.... :lol:

8. i´ve got to rock - to stay alive - that´s an order to the other bandmembers that the show´s not over yet so get the air thick and steamed - raise the temperature in the hall and kick the fans´ asses !

9. atila the hun - well, very dark and maybe too powerful - some kind of boring in the end - sounds a little bit like chewing gum under a shoe - very hard to digest for most i think - sure a song to be at the end of my charts but may the others enjoy that...

10. well, the intro.. - nice but not really a song - it´s meant for me as a sign to get my ass up to the front while chatting to some saxonfans around or to stop my bring-the-last-beers-away-session and get my balls back into the hall because masters-of-no-plan and pharao-cleopatra and wtf else bands no-one wants to listen to got thrown out because of non-stimulationing-effects - the light went out and the show finally seems to begin :rock:

on saturday the album can be officially bought here in little old germany - i will get two or three of them because saxonfan (from chicago - that´s nearly 100 or 200 miles away i think) is coming over and when he returns to the states he has his own (maybe signed) album long before it can be bought in the states - cheers !

please don´t laugh on my review because english is not my father-language (mother-language is too sexist .....) - it took nearly one hour to be typed and nearly 1 full bottle of sambuca to keep me motivated :Saint:

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Fantastic reviews! Like that chart thing from Saxonator. Yes indeed I hear Accept flavour too, good thing.. Paxoman when I read your review, same thing with Saxonator, why dont you guys are journalists for magazines?? Its for me nailbiting time til the 5th of march, my copy isnt there at the moment..looking forward listen to the whole CD
It got an 8/10 review in Classic Rock. Headline reads 'Saxon's new release might not break new ground,cross boundaries or break them down,but it's a metal album to cherish'.
If you want the rest of the review you'll have to buy(or steal) the mag!
Princess - there's an article about Diamond Head and the story behind Am I Evil. :kickass:
OI :muahaha: That review looks awfully familiar ???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great minds or artistic licence, that is the question Mr Paxoman ? ;)

Er, a question of great minds I think mate! My review and your review arn't anything like the same. The bits that are similar are just things that I was thinking anyway. So no, I didn't nick your review if that's what your getting at! I can actually think for myself.

Most of the review was written a few weeks back anyway. Er, not that I had the album a few weeks back of course! Ha-hum.........
Er, not that I had the album a few weeks back of course! Ha-hum.........

:lol: ROFL....yeah, and nice review by the way Saxonator!!

I look forward to posting my review when i hear the album for the first time ;)