Insane Solo.

The song is good but the solo is shitty. My personal favourite solo is from Krisiun - Messiah Of The Double Cross. I know there are better, faster and more technical solos but this is my favourite so far.
K, I'm going to ask again...
Cairath, do you play an instrument? I coulda swore I asked before, but I see no post...
Who cares, playing an instrument or not doesn't change the fact: being able to play really fast solos doesn't mean you can write songs. See: Necrophagist.
Décadent said:
Who cares, playing an instrument or not doesn't change the fact: being able to play really fast solos doesn't mean you can write songs. See: Necrophagist.

Well, what I was getting at was if someone doesn't know how to play a musical instrument, how can he say someone doesn't know how to play music? Especially when the someone has obviously put tons of effort into his instrument...

BTW, this is a solo, not a song, the song's not in question...
Yes, some people might not understand the actual music... but music is just a form of expression, and it's the understanding of that expression which is important not the understanding of whether its a C flat major or minor scale, what style of picking the bassist is using or whether the guitarist is using single pickups or humbuckers. And if someone doesn't know how to express themselves (Necrophagist, see above) they don't know how to use their instruments. An analogy: it is possible know everything there is to know about painting yet still not know how to paint. Any amateur painter can tell you that.
Imp! said:
K, I'm going to ask again...
Cairath, do you play an instrument? I coulda swore I asked before, but I see no post...

Imp! said:
Well, what I was getting at was if someone doesn't know how to play a musical instrument, how can he say someone doesn't know how to play music? Especially when the someone has obviously put tons of effort into his instrument...

BTW, this is a solo, not a song, the song's not in question...

I don't play an instrument but I *am* a music enthausiast (it pretty much consumes the majority of my spare time). I am not denying that people like this are very good with their instrument, they obviously are. I am simply saying they aren't using the instrument to make meaningful music but instead use it more as a gimmick to show off all the cool stuff they can do with it. In my mind being able to play an instrument is not analogous to being able to make music. There are plenty of musical people who are nonetheless not very competent guitar players, and there are plenty of very skilled guitar players who couldn't write a decent song if their mother's life depended on it.

I really don't agree that being able to play an instrument yourself or not affects how well you can judge music. I have listened to absolutely tons of music so I think I am pretty qualified to tell the difference between a well written and meaningful song and just soulless wanking like most guitar virtuosos do. I just find the latter impossible to enjoy because it has no emotion whatsoever, and as far as songwriting goes those 'songs' are usually devoid of well... everything, really. They are only impressive from a technical point of view which for me is by far the least interesting aspect of music. So much so that it doesn't even interest me *at all*. Those guys might have spent 20 years of their life perfecting their skills to be able to play like that but essentially they are still not producing anything worth actually listening to. I just don't see the point at all.
I do not hate Bathory but can't get into a lot his music(mainly his early works). I like a few songs so far.

I like the song blood on ice the most.
Wearing stupid pants and doing cliche 80's style guitar solos is not exactly 'cool'. I did not see that clip thinking that is one cool dude.