Insufficient Funds

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
It's mighty sad when you go to buy a CD for $24.94 with your bank card and "Insuff Funds" shows up on the machine where you type in your pin number. It's even more sad when 6 days previous to that you had $290 in the bank! :lol:
I'm sad. Fuck I need more money, or I need to control myCD buying..........naw, I won't be doing that!

Has such a thing ever happened to anypne else here?
Also, is Interac(as it's called in Canada) and paying with a bank card at stores as popular in the US and Europe? Because there are VERY few stores in Canada that don't have this feature.
yeh its really popular in the US. in fact im sure it was popular here first then migrated to canada just like every bad habbit does. but no, i have a good paying job with lots of $ so i dont get that shit. but back when i didnt have a job i just didnt buy things so it didnt happen then either hehe.
actually I think the bank card thing was more widespread in Canada first (having lived there when it was popular and nobody I knew in the states knew of it). Plus, there they just use the regular bank cards, not the debit cards that we have here. No separate applications or anything.

And, no, I haven't run out of money like that before. I'm pretty careful about my funds :)
Why not download the albums, thats what Im forced to do most of the time, I could care less about the morality of it.