(intentional?) melody in mike's growling


Jul 6, 2003
Murdock, NE
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i have mentioned this a few times, but it has never been confirmed by anyone else. i am wondering if i am crazy...seriously....because, the first time that i noticed it, i had to strain and almost convince myself that what i was hearing was real...now, it is obvious every time.

in wreath

at the part where he says, human harvest (something), blackest pages turning.

okay...i know a bit about theory, so i will try to explain. when he screams human, he is a fifth above the octave...same with harvest...then the chord change comes (goes up a half step), and his vox drop a minor third. he does the same thing with blackest pages (into) turning...and the fact that he does it again, hitting the exact same pitch leads me to believe that he is actually trying to hit those hotes....

it is a melody that makes sense with the music.

there are other times when i hear stuff, but i have never taken note of it...today, i'm gonna listen and throw out some more examples.
Lietuvis said:
I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what he meant to do... :)

:lol: you're right!!!

i dunno, in a previous thread someone brought up the possibility that it was just how the harmonics of his voice landed in the music...that he did intend to change pitch (which i think is obvious)...but the melody that resulted was coincidence. when i listen to his growls, i can always find a vague, but fixed pitch...in every single growl, even when he is not holding a pitch...so i guess there is always a melody going on. but, is the melody that i hear intended in the same way that singing is? growlists always change pitch, but to me, it usually seems like its for the sake of the growl...ya know, the "wail" of it...like a siren.

mike's growl is quite complex. i think that its possible most of the time to pick out at least two pitches in his growl. one of them comes from the push in his chest (usually the lower one), the other one from the combination of crackles and distortions (usually the higher one).

are there any other melodies that you folks notice in his growls that you think might be something people don't pick up on...or that you didn't pick up on for a while?
MasterOLightning said:
Many growlers control their pitch to match the melody of the song. It's not always the case.

i guess i haven't heard enough growlers...ahhh, take that back...i have heard devin townsend do this with some of his higher screams.
in a previous thread someone brought up the possibility that it was just how the harmonics of his voice landed in the music...that he did intend to change pitch (which i think is obvious)...but the melody that resulted was coincidence.
That's my 'chainsaw theory' and I'm sticking to it.
man, i think that i am just hearing this for the first time. i have never noticed that mike is quite often growling in tune. i guess i just never listened for it. i feel dumb in a really good way!!! its tough for me to pick up on it, but there is always melody in his growling.
its more of hwo adn where the voice/grolws come from....there cant really be a melody to a growl/grunt/scream ......!!!!.........i think its just that teh ones he cjoosesz to push from gutt or throat or such....!!!!......also the amount of air let through and the size of the opening of your mouth (for vowels its suggested adn I suspect Mike opens his mouth wider.) affect it.....but there is not a melody to growling...!!!!........PEAC EOUT
waz416c said:
its more of hwo adn where the voice/grolws come from....there cant really be a melody to a growl/grunt/scream ......!!!!.........i think its just that teh ones he cjoosesz to push from gutt or throat or such....!!!!......also the amount of air let through and the size of the opening of your mouth (for vowels its suggested adn I suspect Mike opens his mouth wider.) affect it.....but there is not a melody to growling...!!!!........PEAC EOUT
I urge you to listen again and revise your opinion.
its definetely there. i have just never noticed it like i do now. its fucking amazing, and i'm seeing all of their music in a different way now. there are times where i have to focus really hard, and times when i think that i am hearucinating. (<--ha) its driving me kind of crazy.
thats what most stupid people think about metal: that there is no melody in metal. Mikael Akerfeldt is extremely talented, so he can sing while growling.
waz416c said:
its more of hwo adn where the voice/grolws come from....there cant really be a melody to a growl/grunt/scream ......!!!!.........i think its just that teh ones he cjoosesz to push from gutt or throat or such....!!!!......also the amount of air let through and the size of the opening of your mouth (for vowels its suggested adn I suspect Mike opens his mouth wider.) affect it.....but there is not a melody to growling...!!!!........PEAC EOUT

do you try to type like that, b/c it sounds like you are constantly drunk while posting on this forum?? Is english your first language or is the difficulty of writing in english your problem?? I am meaning no offense, I have just noticed your "eye-soar" posts and was just hoping for some clarification...
Braighs said:
I urge you to listen again and revise your opinion.

melody or melodic instances occur when there is a succession of musical notes.....!!!!....grolwing/grunting/screaming has no musical notes...!!!...therefore u cannot consdier it melody...or melodic....!!!!....thats a fact....now ...there is no denying that Mike has been grolwing for a while....try 20 years or so....so in many ways he has great control over how he can accent his words even when growling...!!!....this sounds very nice and shows tremendous control adn power of his vocal chords....but ITs not melodic...!!!....yes it is even good to teh listenin ear....but it is not melodic...!!!....PEAC EOUT
Shit man, I've been sitting staring at your sig here. Well done.

Haha, anyhow. Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that Mike's meaning to do the whole melody and pitch-changing thing, though I don't really know whether he'd know what degree's he's moving and all of that which you mentioned (minor 3rds etc..). But hey, it really wouldn't suprise me if he knew exactly what he was doing, and that would be really cool.
But considering Mike didn't know the name of the first chord in Drapery, I dunno (I can't name it now either, so I'm not being a cunt with that).