Interesting Realization


Tyrant in Distress
I went to visit a friend of mine in Logan this weekend (about a 2 hour drive), and listened to DHIADW and PoE on the trip. While I was listening to each, I kept thinking about which Nevermore album is my favorite and I couldn't decided. I then realized that my favorite is "whichever one I happen to be listening to at the time". I can't really think of another band where I don't have a clear favorite. Does anybody else have the same problem, or am I just confused?

So thanks, Nevermore, for producing such consistently amazing albums that I can't choose a favorite among them. I am eager to hear what will come next.
you definately can't go wrong with Nevermore, but I would say PoE and DNB are my two top favs, but PoE beats it out by a tad in the grand scheme... they definately make it difficult to choose though, every album is great imo and they have never released a bad song also imo.
I love each Nevermore album very much, from beginning to end and I usually think the same way, that the one I'm listening to is my favorite... although.... the other day i picked up DNB (see, i do buy my burned cds in due time!!!), i still can't stop lsitening to it. I've listened to it well over 10 times these past 3 days. so i'm thinking of declaring it my favorite album of all time, hence being my fav nevermore album.
Give me POE and DNB anyday.

I love ST, IM, POE, DNB... But DHIADW didn't have the same impact on me. Only WD was up to scratch on DH, WD is just awesome.

POE and DNB are difinately best in my eyes...
I know that my favourite is DHIADW. But sometimes when i'm listening to In Memory or Politics or any of the others for that matter, I find it extremely hard to decide. I'd have to say my fav is DHIADW and second is IM, PoE, and DNB. Then s/t 3rd. Nevermore are just too damn good.

WinMX is really good, that's what I use. I have found lots of stuff on it. I found videos for some stuff that seems really rare, like Van Halen on Letterman from a LONG time ago. A video for Artifacts of the Black Rain by In Flames that I didn't even know existed. So that's cool. The one thing I don't like is damn near everything you download is in a queve(sp?) line for like 9 hours! That sucks, but you can find some pretty cool stuff.
Originally posted by LSDphilosophy
you definately can't go wrong with Nevermore, but I would say PoE and DNB are my two top favs, but PoE beats it out by a tad in the grand scheme... they definately make it difficult to choose though, every album is great imo and they have never released a bad song also imo.
ymo is mo
as well. No sir not even a tiny bad tune, a small little bad song. Nevermore is what metal art is all about.

Each and every track has its own magic. The magic tha queensryche created in the early 80's (1st four albums) and Nevermore inherited in our days. And don't think anyone out there but NVRMR can carry such a heavy heritage.

Long live the Dead Hearts In a Dead World :rock: