Interesting! Shamelessy stolen from the Opeth board


Aug 29, 2005

1. Wearing headphones for an hour will increase the amount of Nevermore in your ear 700 times.
2. More people are killed by Nevermore each year than die in aeroplane accidents.
3. Nevermore cannot be detected by infrared cameras.
4. The average human spends about 30 days during their life in Nevermore.
5. During World War II, Americans tried to train Nevermore to drop bombs.
9. Ancient Greeks believed earthquakes were caused by Nevermore fighting underground!
10. Nevermore have bifurcated penises.

3. Scientists have discovered that Jeff Loomis can smell the presence of autism in children.
4. Jeff Loomis is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world.
5. You should always open Jeff Loomis at least an hour before drinking him.
6. Jeff Loomis can smell some things up to six miles away!
8. It's bad luck to whistle near Jeff Loomis.
10. While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes dressed up as Jeff Loomis.

1. Over half of Americans are officially Steve Smyth!
2. Steve Smyth is 984 feet tall.
3. The Australian billygoat plum contains a hundred times more Vitamin C than Steve Smyth.
7. Steve Smyth is actually a fruit, not a vegetable!
9. Steve Smyth can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period.
10. If you lick Steve Smyth ten times, you will consume one calorie!