Interface choice help needed quite urgent

Zombie (still don't know your name dude ;)), personally I'd still go for the 400F - the factory that makes it may have gone bust, but I doubt that means it's a) a bad product or b) that Mackie will cut all support for it (they seem to have pretty good support, I know I've found everything I need for my Onyx Satellite right on their website, and I'm pretty sure it's a discontinued model). On the other hand, I've also been made aware of the EMU 1616M, which looks fucking KILLER - great converters, 16 total inputs, and only $400! (go for the 1616M over the 1616, though, cuz the M has better converters). Also, they used to make it in laptop cardbus form, but it's been discontinued; they still make it for PCI cards though!
Let me ask you guys this Do you think that Mackie will be announcing any new firewire interfaces....or they dropping products due to the economy...from what i scanned over , what 006 posted it just sounds like there's money problems so they are cutting stuff..............but the REP i talked to over at made it sound like it's just the common dropping old gear and in with the new.
So a last minute rush has ensued where im trying to find something that matches that quality for similar price and im pretty stumped.

They said they could help work something out price wise so any suggestions are welcome.

£500 area


I've just picked up a Yamaha i88x and it absolutely rocks, You can normally get them off eBay for £200-300. Loads of I/O options, ADAT, S/PDIF etc and the converters and preamps are really, really nice. Conversion on a par with RME and better preamps.

Really easy to set up and install, plus because its a couple of years old the drivers are rock-solid (Windows/PC).
Wow, I ordered a showroom stock 400F last week and am currently waiting on it to be shipped interstate. It should have already arrived, so I'm hoping the "delay" isn't really that the one in the show room was sold already and they were trying to order me a new one....
Oh wow, I've never even heard of that, and Sweetwater doesn't even have a pic yet - a little risky going for something brand new, but I guess Focusrite has plenty of experience! Hope it works out well dude!


True Marcus, however most of it is based on the Saffire Pro 40 which has gone down really well, plus its more stable than the earlier Saffires like the 10 and 26 which I had. Thought its best to keep with Focusrite, plus their customer support is immense!

Just gotta wait 2 months until it hits the shops :( Ill no doubt do a shootout of the Liquid emulations when it arrives.
Oh damn, 2 months? Hope you didn't sell your Saffire 10 already! And at least the Liquid isn't as ugly as the Saffire 40! :heh:
Oh damn, 2 months? Hope you didn't sell your Saffire 10 already! And at least the Liquid isn't as ugly as the Saffire 40! :heh:

Yeah I fucking sold it didn't I, thinking I was gonna get the Mackie within a few days! That all cocked up so im gonna turn my hand to pottery or something for the next few months just to keep me from hanging myself due to lack of recording/mixing :cry:

Ahh well, hopefully will be worth it in the end, gives me chance to get some more money together so it wont kill my bank I guess! :lol:
Just thought i would post this for anyone who cares....

So i got home today after work and gave MAckie a call and talked to a dude there that said yes there supplier in China went bust and that they were in the process and deals with another factory..So things are just on hold....And that the 400f wasn't discontinued and will be fully supported in the future.....

So i bought one to day to check out , because really that is the best choice for me, it has everything i need .

For some reason i dont think the steinberg lets you use external preamps, which is gay.