Interface Upgrade or Preamp?

Sep 2, 2010
Ok guys, want some more feedback. Looking to possibly upgrade my interface. I've been using a DigiDesign Mbox for a few years now (it's pretty old, was given to me). Before that I had a Presonus Firebox (firewire). That blew up, possibly blew a fuse I'm not sure, and I switched to the Mbox as a back up. I never got around to repairing the Firebox.

A vocalist I work with has given me access to a TC Electronic Impact Twin interface which has good reviews but is a little old as well and also firewire. From what I understand, Firewire is becoming outdated and I don't want to be trapped with something that cannot grow along with possible computer upgrades as well in the future. I'm using PC. I do have a mac but do not use it and I'd like to stick w the PC route and custom build a good workhorse computer for music production.

I hear really great things about UAD Apollo Twin (and their products in general) but again, MAC - Thunderbolt...not the best path for me. The MAC I do have doesn't have Thunderbolt anyway.

What I use an interface for is to record guitar (usually mic'd amp), bass (direct), vocals (clean), and would want midi capability for keys and stuff. I'm looking for something with a good quality preamp in it that would add clarity and warmth to vocals. Make them shine more than the mbox can. I also would prefer something portable as I don't always track at home on a desktop. I know technology is always changing but USB seems pretty constant. I don't want to fall for some buzzword "firewire" "lightning bolt" "thunderbolt" only to have it not be compatible w certain computers in the future.

Any recommendations? Am I better off getting just a preamp? A new interface AND a preamp? It seems Focusrite makes some good stuff...

Interesting, I'll look into it. Thanks! And when I say portable I mean non-rack unit. Doesn't necessarily have to fit in one's pocket haha.
You could still probably get away with FireWire if you want.
For my desktop/laptop PC I just bought a FireWire card. For the new macs they have lightning adaptors.
The RME USB stuff was absolutely rock solid IME. I had the UFX and the amount of I/O was insane. The pre's were ok. Nothing to write home about but definitely superior to the stuff in my 002 or mbox.
In your situation i would get a better soundcard with some decent preamps to go with it. As both Egan and Jeff said the RME stuff seems super stable, really never heard anyone bad mouth the brand. Then go for a better preamp/mic later on.

The important thing is for you to think about how many i/o you would need in the future. If you're thinking of getting a studio where you're gonna track drums then an 8 channel i/o interface with additional adat i/o would be a good route to go.

Think things through, invest. It might be better to spend 2000$ on a 16-32 i/o interface now then a 1000$ 2ch interface now, where you need to sell it off later on and in the end spend a total of 3k :)