Interfaces- opinions please?


Jun 13, 2007
I know there's alot of threads on this kinda thing but i've seen alot here and I don't know if i've found my answer in one yet.
Basically, I want a firewire interface with the goal of recording bands and doing some "live band" recordings with it too. Alot of interfaces come with 8 mic pre's and i just don't think that'll be enough for me.
I don't have an awful lot of money- about 400-500 euro to spend right away and then gradually add more to it.
i'm thinking of something that maybe starts with 8 mic pres but that i can add more later via whatever- i know you can add 8 with adat inputs right, Can i hook mic pre's up to line input's and use that to get more?

I like the look of the firepod and i've seen what great result some of ye get with it ,but if it's limited to 8/10 in's (you can add 2 more with it i think, right?) with no expandability i don't know if it'll be right for me

I've seen the Alesis multimix for around the same price as the firepod but i'm worried that the pre's mightn't be great, but if i can use the line in's for more mic's pre's that'd be very handy for me- can someone clear this up for me? Will i be able to do this?

i've also seen this which has a simliar layout to the Alesis i looked at but it's more expensive too.

any other suggestions, help or advice, I'm new to the recording world in this way- i had been using a mixing desk's outs to a computer where the limited amount of tracks and lack of later separation frustrated me endlessly.
The Presonus Firestudio is a Firepod with ADAT inputs, so that right there would be my choice if I didn't have my heart set on a Pro Tools M-powered setup.
from what i read on this board, get away from this Alesis multimix

just wondering, how come? I looked up what reviews of it i could find but most were by guys who really didn't seem to know all too much- most hadn't tried recording with it even before making reviews.

The Firestudio is a good bit extra but i'll have a look at it again,

any more?
right just had another look at the firestudio- itss 777 euro, you can get 2 firepod's for 796 euro, i'm fairly sure i've read they can be linked together to act as one, or am i wrong here? what's your opinions on this set up?
what's the story with the SPDIF in's, if i get a set of pre amps will i have to get some that have one of these type out or can i get any set and get some kind of converter? sorry about the questions they're probably really basic but i figure while i've thread up i might as well ask away
Right got me a firepod should be here in a few days.

so whats the story with the spdif's can you get a converter and use any preamp or do you have to get certain ones?
Well all the standalone AD converters I've ever seen are preposterously expensive (though the quality is proportionally awesome, I'd imagine), so you'd be best off getting a preamp with SPDIF outputs to just run it right in.