Intermezzo cover

Hey llamaura, I just got around to checking this out, and I'm very impressed! Haven't heard the original, and it's a very good song and all, but I think your performance is wonderful. Great atmosphere you create.

llamura, I DLed Analog kid's remastering of your song long ago and deemed it "sensationally bombass" but somehow thought I already posted here and didn't. Yeah, I'm losing it. Hehe. You do an awesome job! By the way thanks for recomending Devin to me, I love the Ocean Machine Cd. Seventh Wave, Life, Hide Nowhere, Funeral, all awesome!
Thanks, yourdeadgroom. You and Melancholia really need to get some Nightingale, though. Quick!

Metal 88, thank you too. I'm glad you persisted with the Devin stuff enough to let it grow on you. (I knew it would.) Have you checked out anymore of the Terria? I need to listen to "Nobody Here" every few days or I start to get withdrawal symptoms.
Nobody's here huh? That's your song? It's not bad so far. I have all of Terria on mp3, not sure if I'm going to order it or not. I definitely like Ocean Machine style songs better, just the way the songs I mentioned above flow. The vocals of the chorus lines in the songs.....a very emotional album. Terria is more technical maybe? I do love "Earth day" tho, didn't you say you liked that one a lot? Someone on that Dev thread did. But anyhow I determined through the mp3's I have to order Infinity next, it's on the way and if it grows on me even more then I'll probably go ahead and get Terria as well. Someone told me Devin does a lot of work on the new Soilwork cd.....I wonder how that will be? Have you heard anything? I like Soilwork outside of their Anders Frieden-Clone singer, I hate that style of vocals. Maybe their new cd will be cool, especially if Dev sings on it.
Infinity's good, but probably the strangest.

I probably did recommend Earth Day, because it's another of my Terria favourites. Nobody's Here strikes a little deeper though. The timing and subject matter of the Terria album really paralled my life in a lot of ways, so it's probably the most meaningful of Devin's albums for me.

I believe Devin was mostly involved in co-mixing the new Soilwork, but I believe he sings on the song Black Star Deceiver. I haven't heard anything yet, but it should be cool.