International care packages?


Klingons do not faint
Feb 2, 2010
Because I love blowing $40 on a flat rate box and dealing with the simpletons at the post office, I thought I would start a thread.

As is known, I have a ton of spare time and some spare change, so why don't we do some kind of care package exchange where we mail interesting things to each other? I am always homesick and I always want Reeses Peanut Butter cups, but I also have a fondness for exotic goods from other lands. I think I'm the only poster in Japan so if you want a bunch of weird Japanese crap in a box I'm happy to send some stuff out.

Good idea? Terrible idea?
yeeeeuh i no wat u want from me booyyyyyyyyy

PM me if you want something but you better send me something good back
I googled "cool japanese items" out of curiosity for what one might get out of this deal, and found this site:

Not that they have krampuses on offer, but there's still quite a selection.
ooh, I bought 2 bags of Reese's Peanut Butter cups the other day because they were about a dollar for a 14 oz bag, but I've only opened one because I'm not a total fatass. But I'm not sure if I want to mail stuff to Japan...
Yeah the $20 limit sounds cool. I don't mind if you want stuff from here but can't afford to send anything back. I know there are a lot of students and young'uns and people with families on here, and I lack the good sense to hold on to my money and am horribly addicted to shopping so it's win-win.

Haha @Belligerent your neighbors don't like Asians?