Internet tricks/scams


I love this gain
Oct 20, 2007
Received an email:

-"How much for a work?"
Me: 600€
-Ok, I'll send you a bank check for 3.000€
-Yeah, sure! but...
-Yeah, you send me the difference by western union check.
-*?¿...classic scam*

The trick is that banks take about 2 weeks to verify the check but they will bounce it due to a lack of available funds. So, you think the check is valid (the bank has given you the €$) so you send the western union check but 2 weeks later the bank keep the money (or debt) back, so you're pennyless and you also have to pay check costs and bouncing costs. Some people have lost the things they were selling and shipped (cars, guitars...).

Now I have a 3.000€ check I can't touch.

Take care
I've been trying to sell a bass on Craigslist and some dude with poor English emailed me first wanting to know if the item was still available, then to say that he wanted it and that I should remove the ad from Craigslist and he would send me a money order covering the cost of the item and all shipping fees. Ignorant fucker didn't notice that the bass doesn't have a case. He went on to say that he needed my full name, phone number, physical address (no p.o. box!), and all kinds of other stupid shit that have nothing to do with a real transaction.

I asked him if he even knew what the item was or if the emails he was sending were automated. Correspondence ceased after that. :lol:
I was buying this TV off this guy, who turned out to be a right greedy bastard (on eBay). He asked me to mail him privately to negotiate a price as there is a secondary bidder who's pitting against me, but mysteriously, not willing to place an actual bid.

I didn't fall for this for a second, realised he was trying to scam me and told him where to go.

There was this other guy selling some studio gear. I "won" the bidding, again on eBay. He then messaged me and said "Sorry, I was hoping for more". I then reminded him that he had entered a legally binding contract and that I could technically sue him if he didn't ship out the goods as agreed.

He replied "Please don't man. I have Playstation games. Do you want them? I will send them all to you. Don't sue me.". lol

* Oh and I found the same gear brand new for only £100 more online. Bargain!
Well I do have a heart, I just let it slip when I realised it was just some dumb kid who thought he could cheat the system.
I've been trying to sell a bass on Craigslist and some dude with poor English emailed me first wanting to know if the item was still available, then to say that he wanted it and that I should remove the ad from Craigslist and he would send me a money order covering the cost of the item and all shipping fees. Ignorant fucker didn't notice that the bass doesn't have a case. He went on to say that he needed my full name, phone number, physical address (no p.o. box!), and all kinds of other stupid shit that have nothing to do with a real transaction.

I asked him if he even knew what the item was or if the emails he was sending were automated. Correspondence ceased after that. :lol:

Dude, this happened to me as well! He said he was on "business" and "would arrange for pickup". I was pissed.
I was buying this TV off this guy, who turned out to be a right greedy bastard (on eBay). He asked me to mail him privately to negotiate a price as there is a secondary bidder who's pitting against me, but mysteriously, not willing to place an actual bid.

I didn't fall for this for a second, realised he was trying to scam me and told him where to go.

There was this other guy selling some studio gear. I "won" the bidding, again on eBay. He then messaged me and said "Sorry, I was hoping for more". I then reminded him that he had entered a legally binding contract and that I could technically sue him if he didn't ship out the goods as agreed.

He replied "Please don't man. I have Playstation games. Do you want them? I will send them all to you. Don't sue me.". lol

* Oh and I found the same gear brand new for only £100 more online. Bargain!
Well I do have a heart, I just let it slip when I realised it was just some dumb kid who thought he could cheat the system.

For the record, the seller doesn't have to sell the item to you just because you won it. They have the option to cancel the auction regardless of it ending with bids.

For the record, the seller doesn't have to sell the item to you just because you won it. They have the option to cancel the auction regardless of it ending with bids.

Yep. I remember winning a JCM900 for 200$ and the seller canceled on me.
Indeed it's lame, but the only person legally bound to uphold their end of the bargain is the buyer.

For the record, the seller doesn't have to sell the item to you just because you won it. They have the option to cancel the auction regardless of it ending with bids.

This is not true.

You are entering a binding contract. Once the bidding is over and you have "won", then you are legally entitled to those goods.

If this is not the case then why do eBay charge you to have a minimum asking price?

Plus.... Daddy is a lawyer and was the one suggested taking action. lol.
Then your daddy should go read eBay's rules before making suggestions, because it is true. The winner is only legally entitled to those goods if the seller has received a payment for them. If no money exchanges hands then the seller is free to do whatever he wants. My father sells vintage car parts on eBay a lot and he cancels on auctions allllll the time after they end with bids for various reasons - point being people "won" the items, but he doesn't have to accept it if he doesn't want to. Maybe he's just special? I think not...

Edit: Found this info with a quick search on eBay's support section:


Then your daddy should go read eBay's rules before making suggestions, because it is true. The winner is only legally entitled to those goods if the seller has received a payment for them. If no money exchanges hands then the seller is free to do whatever he wants. My father sells vintage car parts on eBay a lot and he cancels on auctions allllll the time after they end with bids for various reasons - point being people "won" the items, but he doesn't have to accept it if he doesn't want to. Maybe he's just special? I think not...

Edit: Found this info with a quick search on eBay's support section:



From eBay's terms and conditions...

You can't end a listing less than 12 hours before the end of the listing if the item has a winning bid:
You may cancel bids, but not end the item unless you are selling the item to the high bidder. To do this, go to the End My Listing Early form and select "Sell to the high bidder".
You can't add to or change the item description.
If the item becomes unavailable during the last 12 hours of the auction (for example, you break it) you must contact the high bidder or buyer and explain what happened. You can get a Final Value Fee Credit if you and the buyer must confirm you mutually agreed to withdraw from the purchase.

So to sum up, unless you're willing to commit fraud, unless there's a legitimate reason to cancel, then it is very much legally binding.
No... you need to learn how to read. If the auction ends with winning bidders, you can cancel the bids for your item - meaning, you have effectively canceled the auction. Your other option is to sell the item to the highest bidder.

You may cancel bids, but not end the item unless you are selling the item to the high bidder.

In other words, YOU CAN CANCEL THE BIDS, you just can't end the item if there are less than 12 hours left. So you let the auction end, and then you can cancel the bids on the item. Again, you are totally wrong on this I watch it happen all the fucking time. Does it say you can't cancel the winning bid? No. It says you can cancel bids - ANY bid.

Also, thank you very much for posting exactly what I already posted, which you quoted. Where is the sense in that?
No... you need to learn how to read. If the auction ends with winning bidders, you can cancel the bids for your item - meaning, you have effectively canceled the auction. Your other option is to sell the item to the highest bidder.

In other words, YOU CAN CANCEL THE BIDS, you just can't end the item if there are less than 12 hours left. So you let the auction end, and then you can cancel the bids on the item. Again, you are totally wrong on this I watch it happen all the fucking time. Does it say you can't cancel the winning bid? No. It says you can cancel bids - ANY bid.

Also, thank you very much for posting exactly what I already posted, which you quoted. Where is the sense in that?

Once the auction has ended, then you have won if you have the highest price...?

It doesn't say you can cancel the WINNING bid. Yes it does say you can cancel bids, not the winning one. The whole point of an auction is there's only one "winner".

It clearly states "You may cancel bids, but not end the item unless you are selling the item to the high bidder."

Therefore, you CAN'T cancel bids unless you sell it.

"If the item becomes unavailable during the last 12 hours of the auction (for example, you break it) you must contact the high bidder or buyer and explain what happened. You can get a Final Value Fee Credit if you and the buyer must confirm you mutually agreed to withdraw from the purchase."

This also clearly points out that you are contractually obliged to sell it to the winning bidder unless you are going to lie about it.

You must BOTH MUTUALLY AGREE to withdraw.
Man, I'm sorry but I'm just going to say it. You are fucking dead wrong and a dipshit to boot.
Man, I'm sorry but I'm just going to say it. You are fucking dead wrong and a dipshit to boot.

Haha... I see you've been waiting for this. Instant reply.

Well, there's no love loss, I haven't been rude to you, but you clearly have issues.

I'll get a second opinion on the matter later. Interested to know what anyone else here knows, if they actually have a legal background otherwise it's not really relevant.

But also, why haven't you picked my last statement apart?

Quote me, prove me wrong.

Should we agree to mutually withdraw? :p
You don't need to know shit about fucking laws to read man. It's right there in plain English, you can cancel the fucking bids or sell it, how much more blatantly obvious does it need to be? I don't have issues, unless by issues you mean dealing with retards then yeah, I got that by the boatload right now thanks to you.
You don't need to know shit about fucking laws to read man. It's right there in plain English, you can cancel the fucking bids or sell it, how much more blatantly obvious does it need to be? I don't have issues, unless by issues you mean dealing with retards then yeah, I got that by the boatload right now thanks to you.

Oi, I have a degree in retard!

You certainly do need an eagle eye to pick apart contracts. At no point in anything you've posted it has said "you may end this transaction if you didn't have a reserve price and decided just to end it, but hey, that's cool. We do kinda charge a fee for a reserve, but never mind".

Valid point?

What is the point of a reserve price if you can just simply choose not to sell to the winning bidder?
Reserve prices are not mandatory, you can opt to use them or not...

If you opt to use them, you have to PAY for the privilege. So if someone puts in a low bid you don't have to sell to the highest bidder that falls below your target. You have effectively stated a clause which dictates that.


I assume you can see where I'm going with this....
The only place you are going with this is proving more and more you can't read and comprehend the shit you think you are arguing with.