Interview with Danny online...

Judge gsz

Oct 12, 2001
Hoeselt, BELGIUM
...on Green Smarties Zine

Danny overlooked a question I sent him. Thought it was rather interesting though...

"-Your riffs, melodies and leadguitars are very recognizable. Would you say you have developed a style of your own over the years? Have you taken any musical studies."

Anyway, enjoy reading it...
- After 34,….% many My Dying Bride fans hated the new musical direction. On the following albums they changed their style back in to the older (more popular) sound they had on the older albums. How do you feel about something like this?

i have never heard the % album by MDB, but friend of mine, who's vision i trust, told me that this album is very original and unique in its content and its the best album by them. he said no-one had ever done something like it and it was excellent. now, i know this guy, and he is clever and talented ,with good i trust him more than the countless fans who only want 'the old style' 'doom' 'grunt'....

Meeeeeeeeeeehdiiiiii :yell:
Originally posted by pagan2002
he was wrong about me and i contacted him and its ok now.

i know he was wrong about you and i was happy of the good result.

just stop attacking people,judging from a sentence and learn to appreciate the ones that really care for some things,from the sycophants that only try to impress you because you are danny...
its very clearly said below that interview that all the problems between yous are solved.
there is NO reason to attack :(:rolleyes: