Introduce Yourself!

Sheesh, we can't get away from you dude! Where's the CD man! Dan hasn't gotten squat yet for the full length! You've been slacking. Email me with why you left too. You got my email and I ain't seen you in GW BIOTCH!

I got exactly two copies of the record from the label dood.....A far cry from the 20 I was promised :Smug:....Par for the course I suppose....Just download the shit or hit up Justin.....

Not playing GW anymore....Waiting for Conan to come online....Should be geektastic!
I'm Kyle, I went by "kparadis" on the old forum. You may remember me from such smash hits as "photoshop of bereavement" and "random facts about Dan Robinson" (which was a duet with the talented Anthony Simone). My interests include long walks on the beach, jamming with my band rohirrim ( getting diabetes and making fun of shroud of bereavement.

I still love how
a) max hates me
b) his catchphrase was mine until I got bored with it

Anyhow I'm the new guy, Kleo. Dan and me have been buds for awhile. We really wanted to work together but it just never really panned out. My training is all classical and shit and Shroud's neo-classical. Then one day he decided that the band needed some serious proofreading. Somehow, despite that being a full time job on its own, Dan also talked me into playing triangle (cowbell in southern markets) live to make up for the lack of violin.
So far as my accessibility on here goes, I'm liable to disappear. You see, I used to be a major troll on here. My level of assholery was such that it takes folks awhile to come to terms with what a dick I was. So random banishments happen then get lifted because I'm such a super person now.
Gee, what a welcome!
Thanks guys. I miss you! :p
Well Max you go around telling people I'm a prick then get drunk and IM my wife trying to get her to leave me. It's not exactly my own paranoia that makes me think hatred here. Now stop trying to derail the thread.