Introduce Yourself!

Dan, you my friend are a fucking weird-o.....You brick laying, bandmilk drinking, zebra stripped spanex wearing, petezer eatin, hollywood tittie gazing, dood pick up my ring listening, doom metal guitar twanging FREAK!!!!

And your still the MAN! hahahaha

NY??? Shiiiit, they ain't got no hollywood titties......

Ha ha ha ha h!!!!

I don't know how I missed this post, it's hillarious!!!!

Dude, That is too funny about the "Hollywood titties" Ha ha ha ha!!!

Man, for all that don't know the story. I went to California a few years back to visit Ronnie, Justin and Rhett of then Morgion (RIP). Justin and I were in a taxi and the guy driving was a middle eastern guy, and we were pretty trashed, so I guess out there people don't talk to the Taxi guy, so me, being the social butterfly I am, was like hey man, how are ya and blaa blaa blahh. I don't know what happened, but the guy driving is like, look at those chicks, now there's some hollywood titties for ya" and Justin and I just lost it, so funny. Later on after drinking 90 jack and cokes on the way home, Justin starts puking all over the sidewalk, and dropped his ring. He's like, "Dude, were's bro's man, pick my ring up off the ground" (but it is submerged in puke) needless to say, I didn't pick it up lol!!!!

What a great time, I need to go back out there and visit soon!!!!

Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

and they are not spandex!!!! LOL!!!!

go chase some Seagoooolls ya, bad driving doom wagon motherfucker!!!

LOL :lol: :lol: :kickass:
In NYC, we got NY titties. They may not be quite as big as Hollywood tits, but they are every bit as nice.
At night, they are also scantily clad :)
Big Apple titties, shaped like big grapefruits.
Perfect for motorboating
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrrr
I am currently viewing some lovely pictures of the super lovely rack of the super duper lovely Lannie Barbie.
Pics of her in some kind of clothing (well, lingerie) is actually hotter than most naked women







@ Ciaran - S'up dood?? I saw you guys play at Zen Sushi here in LA...Think we even had a drink together with Justin if I recall correctly?

@ Dan - Ya man, come back to Cali for a visit bro! We miss you out here man :rock:

And yes, all titties qualify..It's just warmer out here so we get to see them a lil more often haha.......
oooh hot lady!!

Hi everyone, I.m Sabine. I live in Australia (currently back in my country of origin, Lebanon, for a few months). I play the keyboards and sing in Lycanthia a doom/gothic metal band from Sydney. My favourite genre is doom/death metal.

and of course I.m here to support Shroud of Bereavement who totally kick ass!! :kickass:
Welcome! Nice to see you here. And thanks!

oooh hot lady!!

Hi everyone, I.m Sabine. I live in Australia (currently back in my country of origin, Lebanon, for a few months). I play the keyboards and sing in Lycanthia a doom/gothic metal band from Sydney. My favourite genre is doom/death metal.

and of course I.m here to support Shroud of Bereavement who totally kick ass!! :kickass:
oooh hot lady!!

Hi everyone, I.m Sabine. I live in Australia (currently back in my country of origin, Lebanon, for a few months). I play the keyboards and sing in Lycanthia a doom/gothic metal band from Sydney. My favourite genre is doom/death metal.

and of course I.m here to support Shroud of Bereavement who totally kick ass!! :kickass:

Hails Sabine! Thanks a bunch for the support, and welcome to the SOB forum!
I really dig your bands music as well, some damn good death/doom there!
It would be pretty sweet to play together some day! :rock:

How long have you been in the band by the way?
Thanks everyone! been in Lycanthia for 2 years now. I auditioned after their former female vocalist/keyboardist, Mandy, left the band. I originally auditioned for vocals only as I never played keys before, but I managed to pick it up really quickly.

It would be awesome to share the stage with SOB. maybe you guys should tour down under! :kickass:
Hell, I'll take a tour down under if you know what i mean :heh:

Ha ha ha, aww man, that was (pardon the pun) LOW!!!!!

Seriously I would love to go there and tour, that would be amazing!!!!

My only problem would be my fear of flying lol!

On the hay to and from Heathen Crusade, I about shit myself and died of a heart attack!!

I hate planes!!!! lol

You could always move to the states and sing for SOB! LOL

We have been looking for about a year now. It sucks. Julie has been up front, but we prefer 2 singers.