Thrasher dave, all your meme are belong to his battletaddes.
Slaytanic is god of "what the fuck did i just read?"
Pablokers is actually rumoured to be god, the stig, darth vader, mr blobby, my cat and last but not least will smith.
Siobhan has been to every concert that has ever taken place ever, even ones that happened at the same time.
MetallicSlayerDeth is younger that we all thought
Revell can cook bacon 74 different ways
Cavemanninja had an awesome show and even though i won the competition when i listened by saying spongebob because i answered to quick he had to decline it
evilematt is an assassin from jamaica and can speak polish
evileol's fingers are made from 98%titanium 2% yoyo's
Keenan has no florida dates
Covetchaos is ginger
chipmonkcheeks somehow got a gif of me doing aerobics in his sig
Ocelot is a cat
zehm ist krieg
styxx is made from 100% utterly butterly and is programmed for human cyborg relations
Sjusovaren's name i had to copy and paste here.
Lordmoron isnt really a lord, hes batman.
vmetallicav stole my bike.
Heavymetalrich was william wallace's tattoo artist.
its late. cba for this shit.