
Hi everybody,

I've been reading this forum for some Weeks now (since Bochum was announced :grin:) and finally decided to register and add my two Cents to one or another Thread.

I'm Simon, a 21 year old Metalfan from southern Germany. I'm listening to Metal just about 3 years or so...
I really don't know how in the World I could listen to those Popsongs coming out of the Radio before discovering that theres soooo much better music. ;)

Got into Amon Amarth after they released With Oden on our Side. At first I really didn't like Johan's harsh vocals (I listened to Hammerfall and stuff like that before ^^) but I couldn't get those Guitar Melodies out of my head.

And after listening tho this CD a few times I just got addicted...that's about it.

Seen them 2 times live so far, but there's a lot more to come for sure :grin: :rock:
Welcome Simon, you coming to Bochum? If you've been reading the boards, you know there is a plan in works for lunch before the show. Hope you can make it :rock:
Sure I'm going there :rock:

When I read that News I was totally going :OMG:

Just asked some People and then bought the Tickets. We got Nr. 20-23 ^^

After reading this News I walked around two Days with a grin on my face. Just couldn't get rid of that :lol:

How often did I wish in the last two Years that I could go back in Time to see all those amazing Songs live...A dream come true.
Sure I'm going there :rock:

When I read that News I was totally going :OMG:

Just asked some People and then bought the Tickets. We got Nr. 20-23 ^^

After reading this News I walked around two Days with a grin on my face. Just couldn't get rid of that :lol:

How often did I wish in the last two Years that I could go back in Time to see all those amazing Songs live...A dream come true.

Cheers man! I only found AA four years ago. This is dream come true. Always wanted to see a metal show in Europe. Now I get to see glorious nights of Amon Amarth, in Germany!
HAIL! :kickass::kickass:
Hey guys,

I can't actually remember if I've posted an introduction before so if I have I apologise for being a retard. Been posting here every now and again so I thought I should introduce myself properly. Name is George, I'm a 23 year old Arts/Law student from Melbourne in Australia. I work with Gazza from these forums and play guitar/vox for a melodic death band called Be'lakor (we're also on UM forums). I'm into all kinds of metal, playing gee-tar, reading fantasy + quality novels, killing myself at the gym + the insatiable protein grind, studying international relations (the only part of my degree that I actually enjoy) and I'm also a colossal nerd- I play both Warhammer (rarely, now) and World of Warcraft (not rarely enough, unfortunately).


welcome dude! love your band,

im trying my best to get you guys known in middle east, so far lots of people know you, but still working to interduce almost everyone :D
Hey guys,

I can't actually remember if I've posted an introduction before so if I have I apologise for being a retard. Been posting here every now and again so I thought I should introduce myself properly. Name is George, I'm a 23 year old Arts/Law student from Melbourne in Australia. I work with Gazza from these forums and play guitar/vox for a melodic death band called Be'lakor (we're also on UM forums). I'm into all kinds of metal, playing gee-tar, reading fantasy + quality novels, killing myself at the gym + the insatiable protein grind, studying international relations (the only part of my degree that I actually enjoy) and I'm also a colossal nerd- I play both Warhammer (rarely, now) and World of Warcraft (not rarely enough, unfortunately).


Be'lakor, think I've heard of them, rings a bell too...hmm
I'm sure it will come to me...
What's this Gazza you speak of, I've never heard of it :lol::lol::lol:

What authors are you into man? I'm a big fan of Zelazny, Salvatore and Heinlein.
Can't bring myself to get into WoW, although I play an awful lot of games like it. I'm still a D&D geek, have all my character sheets still and all my dice.
I just don't have the pimples and dorky glasses!
Yeah, whatever happened to being able to drink several days straight or only sleeping 3 hours before work?
Ah well, maybe I'm just wiser or something :p

Hehe..I hear ya, there's certain things i'll never be able to do again, like week-long alcohol binges at Mardi Gras or on a houseboat on Lake Powell, but i guess i shoot myself in the foot a bit less than i used to, so it's all good. At least i try to tell myself it is... but i don't know. AAAGH. :p

In Sweden the way of becoming a certified beer judge is through the Swedish Homebrew Association (Svenska HembryggareFöreningen )

They hold a two day course every two years teaching you some of the secrets behind brewing, but mainly how to, in their opinion, correct judge and assess beers. Also they make you look for faulty scents and flavours and more.
After this follows about half a year of studies on your own before you make a theoretical and a practical exam.
If you pass both exams and then participate in a certifiable competition you may become certified yourself.

You need to be quite skilled in brewing though, as well as being able to judge beers rather well to pass the exams.

I know they have similar things in at least Denmark and the US, probably in more countries as well.

Ah, sounds like quite the pleasant pursuit.:)

In America, however, it wouldn't surprise me if most certified beer judges were on the payrolls of corporate giants like Anheuser-Busch, Coors, Miller, etc, in the same way doctors are bribed by ************** companies to prescribe their products. That's just the American way i guess. Yeehaw! :goggly:
Well this is interesting, i can't type out the word p-harmaceutical without it turning into asterisks when i submit the post.

If i connect the "p" to the rest of the word, this is what happens: **************.

An anti-spam feature, i'm sure.