Well, to me this is a chat board.
Ah. Well, that explains it then!
To me, "chat board" is an oxymoron. Sure, "chat" is possible here, but it's a horribly inefficient mechanism for that, like riding your lawn mower to work. Unless I'm missing something (AJAX? RSS?), don't you have to constantly reload the page, along with all of its tables and data and avatars and signatures that you care nothing about, just to be informed when someone has responded? If it's "chat" that you seek, wouldn't a genuine chat room (java-based, IM-based, or IRC) make a lot more sense? That way responses are "pushed" at you instead of you having to "pull" them.
I don't venture anywhere else, and why should I when this is my forum.
Ah, this then explains your "we're all friends here, no need to be shy". That may be true, but I sure as hell ain't gonna log in and out when I switch between here and the Children of Bodom forum!
There was once a time where perhaps 15-20 of us would sit here all day and everyday and just chat back and forth. It's not as vibrant as it once was but there's still some semblance of synchronous real-time dialog.
haha, I see it in reverse. I probably wouldn't have even made my first post here if it was still just a bunch of unrequited lovers posting 100 smilies back and forth at each other. To me, that's not "vibrant", that's an unacceptable signal-to-noise ratio. If I have to dig around 12 pages of a thread to find a bit of valuable signal, that's just not worth my time.
I can't say I've EVER come here to make a post and then turn around to leave without even waiting for a response.
Wow, it's like we come from two different worlds! I never would have even considered doing this (I'm not even sure how you "wait" in a pull-system). Out of curiosity, when was your first exposure to Internet forums? I don't get the feeling that you're any sort of newbie, but that's the only thing I can think of that would explain why our views are so divergent.