iOS Users


Nov 13, 2008
Any of you got an interface for your guitar/bass and your iPod/Pad/Phone?

Seen a couple of interfaces, trying to find one for bog standard jamming along to stuff on garageband...

Just wondered if anyone here has any experience with them... any I should steer away from for quality issues??
I got the iRig from Native Instruments, just using free apps at the moment, a friend
of mine bought a cheap copy thing, it sucked, something broke in there really fast.
Mine works like a charm, the build quality is pretty good imho, the thing Ola uses
might be even better due to the construction.
App wise, Ampkit sucks imho, Amplitube is cool and Jamup rocks, have to do some
in-App purchases soon.
Sounds better with my headphones than guitar rig through interface with headphones
for example (every version of guitar rig).
The Vox emulation sounds better than the Vox in Amplitube 3, imho, too-it's a really
cool app, friend of mine actually had to play a rehearsal with it a few weeks ago,
guitar into iRig thing, headphones out into PA, sounded pretty decent and way better
than the Behringer V-Amp they got there.
I'm using the Jamup plug with Jamup Pro XT. Not bad for $20. Just make sure you put the phone in airplane mode or else you'll get occasional static (or at least that is what I've noticed). Putting the phone in airplane mode isn't a bad idea anyways... Who wants to be bothered while you're practicing/playing? LOL.
I'll have a look at getting the iRig... i'll rewatch Ola's studio video and see if I can spot what he's using, see what the reviews are like on that...

Its mainly just for jamming against Garageband where I can enter drum loops and stuff... i'm not so much recording anymore and getting all my gear setup limits me to a single room in the house where most nights i'll sit downstairs in front of the tele with some beers...

I saw Peavey have one... I might have to look at their software, see what thats like...

Its a pity there isn't a low level DAW for iOS that would integrate with the plugins...

I'll have to look for more free ampsims too...

Also, i'm using an iPad 3 with only WiFi connection, so not problems with mobile interference...

Thanks dudes
Focusrite and Apogee have interfaces for iOS stuff now - go get one from an Apple Store if you wanna try it out (14 day no return policy, no questions asked).

Auria is a fully featured DAW too, it's ridiculous what it's capable of.
Im might look into auria at a later date, but i was hoping for something low level and of the £0.00 variety lol, not being a cheap skate but at this point its literally for putting ideas in and such...
I have the Apogee Jam that I use with my iPhone and iPad. Made it easy to fly to DC and jam with my drummer.
Currently using ampkit with it.
A friend of mine at work bought the iRig and immediately returned it. He said it was way too noisy (crosstalk issues etc). Now he has the peavey ampkit link and loves it. I let him borrow my jam to compare and he said they're both good but that his link was cheaper and just as good.