
I'm so primitive that I just use a CD player that reads the files off burnt discs.
What's a cd? I use high definition casette tape with dolby c noise reduction. If you pop out the tabs you can't record over what you already recorded unless you put a piece of tape over the holes.
I was thinking of getting one, but I've read many complaints about their lack of functionality with non-Macs. That and the price tag.
I had one for two weeks, and I was fine with its PC compatibility, once I got used to using the software. The problem for me was Apple's expectation of how their customers will use the thing. At the default settings, the iPod/software expects that you have everything you want on the device on your computer, and that the device should mirror your computer's MP3 collection. I don't really work that way, I just wanted to transfer a whole lot of albums on there. It was totally possible to do, but not super-intuitive. Ultimately, the iPod was just too expensive to justify so I gave it back to the store.
mine, Christmas gift = free. :)

And im on a mac, so I guess it might be a bit more user friendly on the computer side. It also acts as a hard drive, and you can set it to manually enter mp3's (which im in the long process right now) when you set it up. (page 26 of the manual. haha)

I love this thing, but im not if I would love it as much if I just dumped $400 on it myself...
I burn cds for the most part and I spend the money I save on video games. The only cds I buy are the really good ones that I feel are worth purchasing. I've only bought about 7 or so new cds this year, because not that many others were worth it to me.