
Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City
I, like any other good man, hates Iran :)

But today my contempt for them went even further. I was watching Sky news as they were interviewing a member of the Iranian Opposition party. The guy was talking about how Iran is going to get an A-bomb, they made plutonium gas before the EU deal went into effect etc etc.

Now what caught my eye was something during one of the typical 3rd world country display of military arms parades Iran was throwing themselves. They had their pathetic israel reaching missles, and on each side of them was stuff written in arabic. And underneath it was an english translation "We shall trample America under our feet."

HAHa wtf. Do people over there actually think we give two rat fucks about what they do? I mean military hardware parades are SOO 80's, and admission of penis envy.

I think it is high time to test a hydrogen bomb out on a civilian populace.
One for Iran, and I would like to drop one on Mecca during their little haji thing they do every year.

Where is your allah akbar bullshit now?
Evil Dead said:
I, like any other good man, hates Iran :)

But today my contempt for them went even further. I was watching Sky news as they were interviewing a member of the Iranian Opposition party. The guy was talking about how Iran is going to get an A-bomb, they made plutonium gas before the EU deal went into effect etc etc.

Now what caught my eye was something during one of the typical 3rd world country display of military arms parades Iran was throwing themselves. They had their pathetic israel reaching missles, and on each side of them was stuff written in arabic. And underneath it was an english translation "We shall trample America under our feet."

HAHa wtf. Do people over there actually think we give two rat fucks about what they do? I mean military hardware parades are SOO 80's, and admission of penis envy.

I think it is high time to test a hydrogen bomb out on a civilian populace.
One for Iran, and I would like to drop one on Mecca during their little haji thing they do every year.

Where is your allah akbar bullshit now?

Why use a hydrogen bomb............we have plenty of Nukes that would cause a WHOLE lot more damage.............

Iran is populated with the kind of people that have not known anything but that under a militant regime for years.....,they need to be taken out and taken out soon and if they dont, well lets just say everyone thought Hitler took out alot of jews.............If we do take them out I hope it is by air only,no help rebuilding, no care of civilian casualtys, no care except that they all die............
old school headbanger said:
Why use a hydrogen bomb............we have plenty of Nukes that would cause a WHOLE lot more damage.............

Iran is populated with the kind of people that have not known anything but that under a militant regime for years.....,they need to be taken out and taken out soon and if they dont, well lets just say everyone thought Hitler took out alot of jews.............If we do take them out I hope it is by air only,no help rebuilding, no care of civilian casualtys, no care except that they all die............
being a member of the US Air Force I agree with you, total air power. No one can stop us up there.