phlogiston said:No, shoplifting is a type of stealing. Downloading music is not stealing because no-one is actually deprived of anything. If I steal your CD collection, then you have no more CDs. If I copy your CD collection, you still have your CDs and I haven't stolen anything. I *have* infringed copyright. That's the scenario we're talking about here.
People call that splitting hairs, but I don't see it. To me they are entirely different things.
Accuse me of breaching copyright, and I'll cop it.
Fair enough, me too. But don't the owners of the material have a legal right to financial renumeration for someone possessing their work? I mean, it is for sale.
phlogiston said:I hear this all the time, and I'm genuinely interested in the answer to the following question: Why? Is it less against the law? How many is OK?
No, it is not less against the law. My own view is that downloading a few tracks to here what an album or band sounds like is ok, but that making copies of an entire album is generally wrong. Of course there are some exceptions where I think it is ok, if the album can't be bought anywhere, or if it is rare and would cost you $80, or, like when Blitzy and I went to Graspop and wanted to know as much material by as many of the bands as possible, to try and make each band more memorable.
I think 3 or 4 songs is ok.
phlogiston said:Ah, I agree with this. I don't think that it's OK that I've got pirated albums. I know it's wrong. I don't argue that it's wrong.
I just don't agree with the whole "it's downloaders that are killing the industry", and the type of tactics and statistics that the industry uses to try and back up these claims.
As to whether downloaders are killing the industry, I really don't have much of an opinion on it, suffice to say they must be losing money if they go to all those lengths that we have seen to try and stop it.
And I just had a thought. I suppose Apple is trying to take on the recording companies in a way, making i-pods so cool and popular (hell, Russell Crowe has three) and thus creating a huge pirating craze. I mean, couple broadband internet with a few Gb of mp3 player you can carry around and plug into everything and who would buy cds? Then along comes i-tunes amidst the push for legitimate downloading....
do you reckon Apple will start signing its own artists soon, for exclusive i-tunes release?