Iron Maiden and Andy Sneap!

He needs to know Steve Harris I am afraid. I doubt Bruce is very involved with the production side of things and I blame Steve for all the bad production choices since Martin Birch quit producing. Good thing they never hired Rick Rubin though.
No doubt Steve's responsible. I believe they've done music (specifically metal) long enough to know how much a good production may enhance the emotional responses of the songs.
I suppose It would be a good indication of Andy's take on old school . I wonder how he would go about it ? Would he coax the band back to their roots? or would he give them 'say' a more "Rob halford" solo project style production .
I love the Halford stuff .
I thought about this several times. I think this would be awesome and a change that the band needs. Although I liked the songs on TFF, the production (if there was any) was so poor that it turned me off and I can't actually enjoy them. Andy Sneap on the next album... please.
I remember reading about Bruce's rant over "digital audio" before he started performing El Dorado at some gig. It went like something along the lines of "digital audio sucks, this is how the song's supposed to sound...". :Smug: