Iron Maiden DVD series details revealed

lurch70 said:
did anyone pick this up yet? How is it?

JK, Maiden superfan #1 ... surely must have this by now :grin: :loco:
Yep, got the last copy at I don't know why but this has been pulled off the shelves here for 'official' release on 12/26 or thereabouts, and some of us were lucky to find a few remaining copies before they were revoked.

The End are selling it though for $26. Amazon for nearly $50(!). I got it for $17. \m/ (It's in the mail, so haven't seen it yet).
Hmm, they have it for $16 andl they must have got more in stock. I don't know what the actual release date is because if you go to CDuniverse, it says December. So I really don't know!! I just know The End are selling it now for $26 because they got an 'early release' import. Meh...

"Now I spend my time looking all arooooounddd, for a man that's nowhere to be fooound!"....

First of all, it confirms that I do really love Maiden Phase 1, with Di'Anno upfront at the Rainbow etc. I don't nearly listen to Killers as much as I should, but still I would never want to hear them re-record these albums with Bruce!!!

Secondly, "Live at Dortmund" has some of the best vocal performances I've 'seen' with Bruce, particularly in "Revelations" and "Flight of Icarus". Bruce is such a good lyricist too, I don't know why "Revelations" isn't always in their setlist. *sigh*

The documentary on the second disc is phenomenal. People - if you haven't seen this yet, they trace the roots all the way back to 1972, with Steve's first band "Gypsy Kiss" and then proceed to interview all the old Maiden band members, before Dave Murray was even on board. It even goes into the whole "all Maiden fans are like one big family and that the band do everything for the fans" etc. Excellent stuff, ending on the Piece of Mind tour.

P.S. Steve Harris had only been playing bass for 5 years before writing stuff like Phantom of the Opera and Remember Tomorrow.

P.P.S. Next time I'm in London, I'm having an honorary beer at the Ruskin. :kickass:
I'd like to recommend everyone buying the Candlemass double dvd as well. Someone on eBay is selling like 15 copies for £1.99 each (buy-it-now), so no bidding.
Demonspell said:
How about giving some never played live songs a workout, like Invaders, Flash Of The Blade, or even Alexander The Great? My heart would end up being as permanently damaged as Dick Cheney's if that happened.
I would masturbate right in the middle of the fuckin concert if they ever played Flash of the Blade.
Right now, I've ordered it and put in a request for a total price (since he's shipping from the UK). If it's not a rip-off ($3 for the DVD, $20 for shipping!) then we'll see....

Get the Maiden DVD first though, obviously. You will tingle all over...although you might already have all those performances on bootleg video/DVD. The interview is still good though.

Oh yeah, the "Live at Dortmund" segment is missing the "Iron Maiden" song, just because they kill Eddie and the krauts at the time thought it was too violent to show on TV. If you have this performance on bootleg, check to see if you have the song included.....

P.S. While we're on the subject - Bruce's first shows in Milan '81 - do you have these? Good quality? It's just Bruce doing songs from Killers and s/t, so it would be interesting to hear those renditions of songs they since don't play anymore...
Not to the USA.

EDIT: I am officially blind and retarded. It's in the body of the description. Blargu! OK, 6 quid from the UK registered is pretty acceptable I suppose. Gah, not that much cheaper than buying it fault for not reading all that fucking text with a magnifying glass I suppose. :erk:
Actually, it's $26 from and $24 from cduniverse (both without shipping), so $15 total isn't so bad...

...still, would have been better had the US dollar not been worth the equiavalent of used toilet paper (that's been recycled already). I'm such a kike.
It's the psychology gameplay of it see 1.99 quid (Pay Now) and you get all excited!!! Then you add in shipping to the US, convert to US dollars, and it's now all of a sudden $15.

:lol: I'm such easy prey. Still, $15 is teh win!!! Candlemass Live > Candlemass Studio
This is the weirdest thing....his description text suggests 6 pounds shipping to USA. But his paypal default worldwide shipping cost is 3 pounds. So I've ended up only paying 5 quid total ($10 USD). Now we're talking...!
JayKeeley said:
The documentary on the second disc is phenomenal. People - if you haven't seen this yet, they trace the roots all the way back to 1972, with Steve's first band "Gypsy Kiss" and then proceed to interview all the old Maiden band members, before Dave Murray was even on board. It even goes into the whole "all Maiden fans are like one big family and that the band do everything for the fans" etc. Excellent stuff, ending on the Piece of Mind tour.
When I was reading the Run To The Hills bio I was flabbergasted to see people like Dave Sullivan and Doug Sampson being interviewed - never would've guessed! To actually see these people and many others (even that fucking roadie!!!) on the DVD was spellbinding. I will be digging it out again next time I have the chance.
Notice an abscense of Dennis Wilcock in all these things. Wonder why that is, eh?

btw JK, word is that the recordings from Italy with Bruce in 1981 are false. The B-side that appears on The Number Of The Beast single is, according to Bruce, just the Maiden Japan recording with Paul's vocals taken off. I haven't listened to either recently enough to compare, but just saying...
Ayeka said:
btw JK, word is that the recordings from Italy with Bruce in 1981 are false. The B-side that appears on The Number Of The Beast single is, according to Bruce, just the Maiden Japan recording with Paul's vocals taken off. I haven't listened to either recently enough to compare, but just saying...
Ah yes, you brought this to my attention previously. Either way, that b-side, "Remember Tomorrow" is an excellent rendition by Bruce. Do you think the other songs are equally as good? If so, it'll be interesting to hear him do those songs, fake or not.